Helicopter Marshal
The primary TACAN marshal for helicopters is the 110 radial relative to the expected
FB at a distance of 1 mile for every 500 feet of altitude starting at 1,000 feet and 5
miles. The holding pattern is a right-hand racetrack pattern with 2-nm legs. The inbound
leg must pass over the holding fix.
Emergency Marshal
All fixed-wing aircraft are issued an emergency marshal radial before launch. The
emergency marshal radial is 150 relative to the expected FB at a distance of 1 mile for
every 1,000 feet of altitude (angels + 15). For example, an aircraft that will hold at
14,000 feet would be assigned 29 DME.
Jet/turboprop aircraft shall not be assigned an altitude below 6,000 feet. The holding
sequence is jets first and turboprops second. The holding pattern is a right-hand 6-
minute racetrack pattern with an inbound leg that passes over the holding fix.
The helicopter emergency marshal radial is the same as the normal helicopter marshal
radial with emergency holding normally commencing at 7 miles.
CV-2 Approach
An overhead marshal may be used when geographical considerations or operational
circumstances necessitate. The assigned inbound magnetic heading to the holding fix
may coincide with the outbound magnetic radial of the approach. If overhead marshal is
used as the emergency marshal fix, EEATs from the overhead marshal should be every
other minute.
Enroute RADAR Approach
When an aircraft or flight cannot reach the assigned marshal point in time to make an
assigned approach time because of mission, fuel state, or ordnance load, an enroute
RADAR approach may be used to place the flight in the proper approach sequence.
Positive RADAR control is required. Whenever possible, you should provide the pilot
with a brief description of the intended penetration.
Marshal Altitude Assignment and Separation
Every effort should be made to anticipate the weather conditions and provide
marshaling in visual conditions, if practical. Aircraft below an overcast cloud layer
should not be required to climb into the overcast to comply with the marshal altitude
limits if the marshal controller can maintain the interval and sequence from the lower
altitude. Aircraft above an overcast cloud layer should be assigned altitudes above the
overcast and be retained in formation where possible. Formation flights shall be limited