proceeds to the 045 degree relative radial. Once established on this radial, the pilot
enters holding at 6 DME and an altitude of 2,000 feet. The pilot commences approach
at the preassigned EEAT (either 22 or 52 minutes past the hour).
For example, if the time is 1515Z, the pilot commences approach at 1522Z. If the time is
1535Z, the pilot commences approach at 1552Z.
Fixed Wing Aircraft Marshal Procedures
Fixed wing aircraft marshal operations are normally faster paced than helicopter
marshal operations. This section covers the basic procedures you need to know for
conducting fixed wing marshal operations.
Fixed Wing Marshal Procedures
Assignment of marshal will be predicated on topographical features, ships in formation,
operational restrictions, and aircraft capabilities. Marshal patterns will be clear of clouds
(VMC) if at all possible.
All bearings are relative to Expected BRC
Under Case III conditions, assigned/requested
Marshal should coincide with expected approach
1. LH-1 Marshal -- A holding pattern with the inbound leg 210 degrees relative to
the BRC, 6 minute racetrack, left-hand turns. The inbound leg passes over the
holding fix (4 DME). Altitude block is 7000--10000 feet unless modified by
2. LH-2 Marshal--A holding pattern with the inbound leg 210 degrees relative to the
BRC, 6 minute racetrack, left-hand turns. The inbound leg passes over the
holding fix (2 DME). Altitude blocks 3000--6000 feet unless modified by AATCC.
3. LH-3 Marshal -- A holding pattern on the 180 degree radial at a distance of 1
mile for every 1,000 feet of altitude plus 15 (angels + 15). Base altitude shall not
be less than 6,000 feet. The holding pattern is a left-hand, 6 minute racetrack
pattern. The inbound leg shall pass over the holding fix.
Marshal altitudes shall be separated by a minimum of 1,000 feet. Formation flights shall
be limited to a maximum of four aircraft in VMC or two aircraft in IMC.
Marshal airspeed shall be based upon the NATOPS flight manual for aircraft