Helicopter Emergency Marshal Patterns
An emergency pattern provides established procedures for aircraft pilots who
experience lost communications when returning to the ship during IMC. Pilots must be
briefed on the emergency procedures before launch on the air plan. These procedures
presume that an aircraft has operable TACAN azimuth and DME.
LHA/LHD operations are unique in that helicopter final recovery times cannot be
predicted because hot refueling can extend mission times. An emergency marshal
procedure must be used that will remain in effect and not require an update even when
the aircraft's final recovery time is extended by hot refueling. The helicopter emergency
marshal procedures provide for the recovery of 24 individual helicopters experiencing
The aircraft on the ship's air plan are assigned an emergency marshal point. Radial,
DME, EEAT, and altitude assignments are based on the marshal point assigned. The
marshal point assigned must not be changed during the aircraft's event except as
requested by the pilot or AATCC and only with the approval by both parties.
Some special notes concerning helicopter emergency marshal patterns are listed below:
During mixed aircraft operations, helicopters must cross the EFB at or above 2,000 feet.
Helicopter airspeed throughout the emergency marshal pattern is 90 knots except during
holding when fuel must be conserved.
Helicopter Amphibious helicopter emergency marshal patterns are shown in Figure 11-