AV-8 Approach Procedures
Positive control shall be provided by AATCC from letdown through final approach until
control is assumed by the LSO. Formation recoveries under Case III conditions are not
authorized except when an aircraft experiencing difficulties is recovered on the wing of
another aircraft. Formation flights by dissimilar aircraft shall not be attempted except in
extreme circumstances when no safer recovery method is available. A straight-in,
single-frequency approach shall be provided in all cases. Frequency/IFF changes are
not authorized below 2,500 feet unless the aircraft is in level flight. Precision radar
should be used whenever available.
The following procedures apply to fixed wing aircraft that depart from marshal:
Operational/weather conditions permitting, aircraft are cleared to depart marshal
every 2 minutes.
Descent from marshal must be at 250 knots, 4,000 to 6,000 feet per minute, until
platform (5,000 feet). At platform, the rate of descent must be reduced to arrive at
the 12-mile gate at 1,200 feet. Aircraft must transition to landing configuration at
the gate.
Aircraft on a TACAN or RADAR approach must correct from the marshal radial to
the final bearing at 20 miles. When the final bearing is within 10 degrees of the
reciprocal of the marshal radial, the pilot must make a gradual correction. When
the final bearing is greater than 10 degrees, the pilot must turn 30 degrees. If the
aircraft is not established on the final bearing at 12 miles, the pilot must fly a 12-
mile arc until intercepting the final bearing.
Pilots flying an LH-1 approach must correct to the final bearing, if it decreases, by
flying 90 degrees of penetration turn and arcing to the new bearing. If the final
bearing increases, aircraft fly the standard penetration turn and continue to
intercept the new final bearing before the 12-mile gate.
Positive control shall be provided by AATCC from letdown through final approach until
control is assumed by the LSO. Formation recoveries under Case III conditions are not
authorized except when an aircraft experiencing difficulties is recovered on the wing of
another aircraft. Formation flights by dissimilar aircraft shall not be attempted except in
extreme circumstances when no safer recovery method is available. A straight-in,
single-frequency approach shall be provided in all cases. Frequency/IFF changes are
not authorized below 2,500 feet unless the aircraft is in level flight. Precision RADAR
should be used whenever available.
Fixed Wing Approach Procedures under Case II Conditions
These procedures shall be utilized during day and night operations when it is
anticipated that IMC will be encountered during descent, but weather at the ship is at
least 1,000 foot ceiling (night) or 800 foot ceiling (day) and visibility is 5 miles.
Case II minimums may be modified by the ship s commanding officer for special
operations. During Case II, positive control shall be utilized until the flight leader/pilot