The centralized agency responsible for the status-keeping of all
carrier air operations and the control of all airborne aircraft under
the operations officer's cognizance except those being controlled by
Combat Direction Center (CDC) and the air officer. Comprised of
three work centers, Air Operations (Air Ops), Carrier Controlled
Approach (CCA), and Air Transfer Office (ATO)/Air Logistics Office
Carrier or
A circular airspace within a radius of 50 miles around the ship that
extends upward from the surface to unlimited altitude; it is under the
Control Area
cognizance of CATCC or AATCC except for those aircraft operating
under control of the air officer during Case I and II operations.
Carrier or
The airspace within a circular limit defined by a 5-mile horizontal
radius from the ship extending upward from the surface to and
Control Zone
including 2,500 feet unless otherwise designated for special
operations; under the responsibility of the air officer during Visual
Meteorological Conditions (VMC).
This system is intended primarily for the display of digitally
Direct Altitude and
processed, symbolically displayed Identification Friend or Foe (IFF)
data; primary RADAR is also displayed. The digital processing used
Readout (DAIR)
in CATCC/AATCC Direct Altitude and Identity Readout (DAIR)
significantly increases the capabilities available to perform air traffic
control functions afloat. These capabilities include the following:
Automated handoffs
Aircraft lists that automatically couple aircraft data with a
discrete IFF code
Continuous indication of ship's position
Controller-positioned symbols that identify bingo fields,
marshal points, or other geographic locations, either
geographically fixed or relative to own ship position
A collective radio call prefixed by a ship's code name that is used in
the same manner as the shore-based counterpart
Signal for aircraft to land aboard the ship (A number suffix indicates
time delay before landing)
Altitude in hundreds of feet (applies only to helicopters)
A pilot s transmission meaning they do not have the visual landing
aid (ball) in sight