Starboard Holding
A right-hand racetrack pattern between 045 and 135 relative to the
Pattern (Carrier)
BRC for Carrier Onboard Delivery (COD) aircraft and 045 and 110
relative for helicopters. COD aircraft hold at 500 feet or 1,000 feet if
approved by PriFly, and helicopters hold at 300 feet or below.
When embarked, TACC is the primary air control agency for the
Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) and/or Amphibious Task Force
(ATF), responsible for all air operations supporting the amphibious
force. This control refers to all airborne operations not incidental to
the actual launch or recovery of aircraft, instrument departure,
approach and marshal.
Tactical Direction
A form of NONRADAR control where tactical information is passed
to an aircraft by the controlling unit, but the aircraft commander is
responsible for navigation and safety
Three Nautical
A checkpoint on a CCA that is located on the final bearing 3 miles
Mile DME Fix
from the ship that all turboprops and helicopters shall pass in a
landing configuration
Twelve Nautical
A checkpoint in a CCA that is normally located on the final bearing
Mile DME Fix
12 miles from the ship. All fixed wing aircraft shall pass through the
12-nm DME fix in level flight at an altitude of 1,200 feet at 250 KIAS
and shall normally commence transition to the landing configuration.
An aircraft, other than a helicopter, whose flight characteristics
enable vertical and short takeoffs and landings