Marshal Control
A control position in CATCC or AATCC that is responsible for
providing control and arrival information to aircraft until handed off to
another controlling agency
Mixed Operations
Simultaneous fixed-wing and helicopter air operations. Tiltrotor
involvement with either type aircraft in the appropriate mode does
not constitute mixed operations
Monitor Control
The monitoring of RADAR and radio channels for emergency
transmissions. Monitor control shall be used when aircraft are
operating in VMC outside of controlled airspace and the
responsibility for separation from other traffic can be safely
assumed by the pilot.
An emergency optical landing aid system used when the primary
Operated Visual
visual landing aid Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System
Landing System
(IFLOLS) becomes inoperative or stabilization limits are exceeded
RADAR controlled approach or an approach flown by reference to
navigation aids that the glide slope information is not available
A form of ATC that the pilot flies according to a published procedure
or as prescribed by the controlling agency. The controlling agency
provides traffic separation by the use of frequent pilot position
reports and modified separation criteria. This form of control is used
in an emergency, when all shipboard control RADAR is inoperative
or, in the opinion of the CATCC/AATCC officer, unsafe.
Military IFF/transponder
Magnetic bearing and distance from an aircraft to a specific location
A point of 5,000 feet altitude in the approach pattern that all jet and
turboprop aircraft decrease their rate of descent to not more than
2,000 feet-per-minute and continue let-down to the 10-nm DME fix
for Carriers and 12-nm for Amphibious Assault Ships
A pilot s term used to indicate that their aircraft has entered IMC