Material receipt is the gaining of possession of an
item of Navy property through acceptance of physical
custody. There are several transportation sources from
which we may receive material. These include the U.S.
Postal Service, the United Parcel Service, Government
vehicles, and direct pick-up from a vendor. Other
transportation sources include commercial or Govern-
ment air and water freight, commercial trucking firms,
and vendor deliveries. This material may be for stock or
direct turnover (DTO) to the requisitioner. In some
cases, we may keep the material in a holding area for
pickup by the customer. Also, we may send the material
to a packing unit for preservation or protection. At other
times, we may send the material to a shipping unit to be
shipped to another activity.
This chapter will help you gain the knowledge
needed to do the job in receiving material. You will be
able to describe the responsibilities of personnel
assigned to process material. Also, you will learn the
different methods of processing receipts from various
activitiesthis includes inspecting and verifying
material receipts. You also will learn how to distribute
copies of receipt documents and maintain files.
The Navy uses different methods to accept and pay
for material it buys. We may receive material at the
contractors place or at the Naval activity. The payment
for material received at a naval activity can be done
before or after the receipt. Regardless of the method
used, we must ensure that the material the Navy pays
for is actually received and accepted by a Navy
representative. You must have proper controls in these
areas to ensure material accountability.
The supply officer is responsible for the receipt,
identification, inspection, and distribution of all
incoming material. Also, the supply officer is
responsible for processing receipt papers and associated
documents. The supply officer delegates the
responsibility for physical receipt of the material to the
assistants and division officers.
On ships, the stores/material/cargo officer (when
assigned) is responsible for the administration of stores
functions. They report to the supply officer on all
receiving matters. These functions include material
receipt preparation, receipt procedures, material
inspection, and receipt processing. On shore stations,
the material division officer is responsible for material
The stock control officer reports to the supply
officer or the assistant supply officer on all matters
concerning the receiving of material. These include
receipt processing, reporting, reversals, and
discrepancies. The stock control officer is responsible
for the financial report imbalances from receipts.
The receiving supervisor is responsible for the
identification and inspection of incoming material. The
supervisor is responsible for separating the material for
stock and direct turnover to customer. These
responsibilities also include distribution of material to
storerooms or to customers. Additionally, the supervisor
ensures that the material is correctly marked and the
paperwork properly distributed.
The duty AK is responsible for receiving,
identifying, inspecting, and distributing material after
normal working hours. The duty AK is responsible for
ensuring that receipt documents are correct, and that
they are given to the supervisor the next day.
The method used in buying material, as discussed
in chapter 4, determines the method for processing
receipts. The following paragraphs explain these
different types of receipt.