date from requisitioners is June 5. The cycle 3 cutoff
date for supply source is July 20, and the reply date from
requisitioners is September 5. The cycle 4 cutoff date
for supply sources is October 20, and the reply date from
requisitioners is December 5.
An MOV control card (document identifier AN9)
accompanies the MOV requests sent to each activity.
One control card will be provided for each batch of
MOV requests (document identifier AN series). The
first checkpoint in the MOV process is to verify receipt
of MOV batches. Therefore, acknowledgement of
receipt must be done immediately upon receipt of the
request documents. The MOV control card information
must be verified with the number of cards actually
received. Refer to Appendix B1 of NAVSUP P-437 for
the format of AP and AN series documents.
If the count is correct, submit the receipt
confirmation (AP9 document) with the receipt date in
record positions 41-44. Whenever possible, return the
receipt confirmation via AUTODIN. When this is not
possible, return the receipt confirmation by message or
If the count does not match the control card, submit
an APX document identifier format to the supply source.
The preferred method for returning the APX document
is by AUTODIN. When using mail, change the
document identifier of the control card from AP9 to APX
before mailing. The APX document will serve as a
notice that the supply source should retransmit the
specific batch.
The second checkpoint of MOV process is a
message from DAAS. This message is a summary of
notification of MOV documents that were sent to each
activity involved. The message tells the MOV customer
that if they do not receive the MOV documents within
18 days from the date of the message, retransmission
can be requested by submitting an APX document.
The MOV request documents will be sent to the ship
or unit designated in the M&S code of the overaged
requisitions. When the M&S code has a 0 (zero), the
MOV request will be sent to the activity indicated in
record position 54 of the requisition. If record position
is blank, the MOV request will be sent to the
Upon receipt, MOV requests must be validated item
by item to determine continued need for each
requisition. Each item also must be validated for
quantity involved and the priority designator of the
requirement. This process can be done by comparing the
MOV request with the related requisition in the material
outstanding file (MOF). During the review, separate the
documents into two groups. Those requisitions that may
be partially or totally canceled and those with total
quantity still required. After completing the validation,
mark each validated requisition to show it was validated
in that specific cycle. Automated activities can post
MOV requests and responses in the requisition file. This
provides a record that the MOV transaction was
completed for that particular requisition. Other
overaged requisitions held by the same MOV originator
with no corresponding MOV request will need
follow-up action.
After completing the validation, submit the reply to
the supply source that submitted the MOV requests. The
reply should be in the format for document identifier
(DI) AP series documents. Prepare an AP series
document in response to each AN series document. The
quantity field of each AP series document must show the
quantity still required-not the quantity canceled. For
total cancellation, the quantity field in record positions
25-29 will be zero filled. For reduced quantity, put the
new quantity requirement in the record positions 25-29.
The quantity of a requisition cannot be increased in the
validation process. If there are changes to the priority
designator or RDD submit a requisition modifier.
The current system developed for use by fleet units
allows such units to respond to MOV requests by using
a MOD V terminal. This procedure requires
transmission of one DI BMV document to say back
ordered requirements are still valid A single MOV
certification card (DI BMV) format should be in the last
line of the reply message. Document BMV will confirm
all documents not included as AP series cancellations.
The following paragraphs describe the format of a BMV
Enter BMV in record positions 1-3 (document
Use record positions 4-6 for entering the DAAS
Routing Identifier code SGA. Do not use an inventory
control point Routing Identifier code in this field. -
Leave record positions 7-29 blank.