The record position 23-24 contain the abbreviated
unit of issue for-the material.
The record positions 25-29 contain the quantity of
material shipped to the activity.
The record positions 30-43 contain the document
number of the requisition.
The record position 44 may contain a Suffix code,
when applicable.
The record positions 45-50 contain the supple-
mentary address from the requisition.
The record position 51 contains the Hold code,
when applicable. Refer to Appendix 17 of NAVSUP
P485 or Appendix 8U of NAVSUP P-567 for a list of
Hold codes.
The record positions 52-53 contain the Fund code
of the requisition.
The record positions 55-56 contain the cognizance
symbol of the material.
The record positions 57-59 contain the shipment
The record positions 60-61 contain the priority
designator from the requisition.
The record positions 62-76 may be blank. When
used, they contain the transportation control number
(TCN), government bill of lading (GBL), and registered
or certified mail numbers that apply.
The record position 77 contains the Mode of
Shipment code. Refer to Appendix A7 of NAVSUP
P-437 for a list of Mode of Shipment codes.
The record positions 78-80 contain the date material
is available for shipment or port of embarkation.
When appropriate to the Media and Status code of
the requisition, the shipping status may be provided in
a message format. The format of the shipment status sent
by message is the same as the supply status. When sent
in abbreviated format, it will contain the following
information in sequence.
Document identifier
Document number
Suffix code, if applicable
Date shipped or released to carrier
Priority designator
l TCN, GBL, registered or certified mail number
l Mode of Shipment code
See figure 4-5 for a sample of an abbreviated MILSTRIP
As an AK you will be involved in maintaining
current information for outstanding requisitions on file.
File maintenance includes monitoring those requisitions
in the outstanding file. Some of the information to
consider before taking action on a requisition is the type
and date of the latest status received. This information
will help you decide the next action to take.
There are four types of follow-ups. The following
paragraphs describe the different types of follow-ups.
Refer to Appendix A4 of NAVSUP P-437 for a list of
Document Identifier codes used in this chapter.
The first type of follow-up is submitted to update
the requisition status previously received. These
follow-up inquiries contain document identifier AF
followed by numbers 1 through 9. In some cases, the
requisition receives a BF status after submission of the
AF series follow-up. When this happens, submit an AT
series follow-up to the supply source.
The second type is the follow-up submitted to get
the latest status, and it maybe processed as a requisition.
The supply source will process this document as a
requisition when there is no record of receipt of the
original requisition. This follow-up inquiry contains the
document identifier AT series followed by numbers or
The third type is the follow-up submitted as a supply
action to improve estimated shipping date (ESD) from
previously finished status documents. This follow-up
inquiry contains document identifier AFC. The AFC
follow-up applies only to requisitions with priority
designators 01-08. It will be submitted only after receipt
of an ESD that will not meet the material usage or need
dates. Only the requisitioner, supplementary addressee,
or the activity contained in record position 54 of the
requisition may submit this follow-up.
The fourth type is the follow-up submitted to obtain
the latest status on a previously submitted cancellation
request. This type may be processed as a cancellation
request if the original was not received. This follow-up
contains document identifier AK series.