The record positions 24-29 contain the quantity of
supplied item.
The record positions 30-43 contain the document
number of the requisition.
The record position 44 contains the Suffix code
when applicable. The Suffix code applies to requisitions
with partial issue or shipment.
The record positions 45-50 contain the
supplementary address from the requisition.
The record position 51 contains the same Signal
cede from the requisition.
The record positions 52-53 contain the Fund code
from the requisition.
The record position 54 contains the Distribution
code from the requisition.
The record positions 55-56 contain the cognizance
The record positions 57-59 contain the Project code
of the requisition.
The record positions 60-61 contain the priority from
the requisition.
The record positions 62-64 contain the transaction
date applicable to the supply status provided.
The record positions 65-66 contain the Status code.
The record positions 67-69 contain the routing
identifier of the last supply source to hold the
The record positions 70-73 contain the estimated
shipping date.
The record positions 74-80 contain the current unit
provided to the customer. The BV status record will
include the estimated shipping date for the item. Upon
completion of the contract, the supply activity will
furnish the requisitioner with an AB series status format.
The AB series status record includes the procurement
instrument identification number (PIIN) and the
scheduled shipping date of the contract. If the scheduled
shipping date must be adjusted, a supply status record
(AE series) will be provided with a BP status and revised
shipping date. The information in the specific and
standard format is the same with some exceptions. The
following paragraphs describe these exceptions.
The record positions 1-3 contain a document
identifier in the AB series.
The record positions 60-72 contain the PIIN
assigned for the material being procured.
The record positions 73-76 may contain the proper
call or order serial number applicable to the purchase.
This field may be blank.
The record positions 77-80 contain the Julian date
specified in the contract for shipment of material.
There are several ways to send a requisition status
to an activity. The supply source sends the status by
message, AUTODIN, or mail. When provided by
message, it is normally transmitted via the Defense
Automatic Addressing System (DAAS). A status sent
via the DAAS facility will be in a format that
corresponds to an 80-record position pattern. The
following is an example of a text of supply status
message. This will help you understand the arrangement
of information described in the previous paragraphs.
Refer to your local communication activity for a current
message format applicable to your command.
price of the item.
The top line may contain the first 59 characters of
MILSTRIP data, and the second line contains positions
Specific Format
The requisition status provided for material
purchased for direct delivery to the requisitioner is in a
specific format. This format uses document identifier
AB followed by a number. The UMMIPS processing
standards require the supply status to be furnished
before a purchase action can be formally negotiated.
When the supply source determines that material will be
purchased for direct delivery, a Status code BV will be
Requisition status can be provided in abbreviated
format. When used, the subject line of the message will