Department of Defense Form 1155 (DD Form 1155),
Order For Supplies or Services, is an authorized form
for use in small, unclassified purchases. The following
are different uses of this form:
. Purchase order, BPA, delivery order under
contract, or delivery order for government agencies
outside DOD.
. Receiving and inspection report.
. Property voucher.
l Public voucher. Not to exceed ,000 when
used as a purchase order. Without monetary limitation
when used as a delivery order. Without monetary
limitation as the basis for payment of an invoice against
BPA or basic ordering agreements with established firm
l Document for acceptance of the order by the
Each purchase order must have a complete line of
accounting data. Every data element must have the
required number of characters. Use zeros to fill in the
data element that is not required. Also use zeros
preceding the first significant digit to fill in the required
number of characters. The following is an example of
accounting data. Refer to NAVSO P-3013 for more
information concerning the data elements used in your
(1) 1781804.702D is the appropriation and
subhead. Use NAVSO P-3013 as reference for this
(2) The three zeros identify the object class. Use
three zeros unless the international balance of payment
is affected. Refer to the NAVCOMPT Manual,
paragraph 027003, for more information on object class.
(3) 53824 is the operating budget holder. This will
be your UIC if you have an OPTAR. The NAVCOMPT
Manual, volume 2, chapter 5, provides a list of unit
identification codes.
(4) 0 is the suballotment. Use budget suffix if
assigned. Refer to NAVSO P-3013 for this information.
(5) 060957 is the UIC of authorized accounting
activity. The NAVCOMPT Manual, volume 2, chapter
5, provides a list of unit identification codes.
(6) 2D is the transaction type. Refer to
NAVCOMPT Manual, paragraph 028003, concerning
this code.
(7) R05504 is the property accounting activity. It is
six-digit activity address code. It consists of Service
Designator codes R, V, or N and a UIC that translates to
a clear text address.
(8) BLNK occupies the Country code field. Leave
this field blank.
(9) 0073210066NR is the Cost code. It consist of
two zeros, Julian date (4-digit), serial number (4-digit),
and Fund code (2-digit). Refer to NAVSO P-3013 for
information concerning the Cost code.
Enclosure 4 of NAVSUPINST 4200.85 (series)
provides detailed instructions in preparing and
distributing copies of DD Form 1155.
The Standard Form 44, Purchase Order-Invoice-
Voucher, is a pocket size purchase order form. It is used
for on-the-spot, over-the-counter purchases of supplies
and services while away from the purchasing office or
at isolated activities. It is a multipurpose form that can
be used as a purchase order, receiving report, invoice,
and public voucher. It is used only when another
purchase method will not work because it does not
contain general clauses or provisions found on purchase
orders. The SF 44 may be used only if all of the
following conditions exists:
. The amount of purchase does not exceed ,500,
except aviation The and oil purchases by pilots, which
should not exceed ,000.
. Supplies or services are immediately available
from contractors stocks in the local trade area.
. One delivery and one payment will be made.
Supplies or services purchased do not require technical
l The use of SF 44 is more economical and
efficient than use of any other small purchase method.
l The applicable decision of exception and
necessary documentation have been made before
procuring a foreign item.
Upon completion of the purchase on SF 44,
distribute copies as follows:
. Copies 3 and 4 are returned by the ordering
employee to the ordering activity.
l Copies 1 and 2 are given to the contractor at time
of purchase. Contractors submit copy 1 as an invoice (or