Figure 4-6.-MILSTRIP message follow-up.
Follow-up requests are submitted by message, mail,
or hand delivery. The preferred method for submitting
a follow-up request, when information does not exceed
66 record positions, is via message to DAAS. This
method also applies for submitting follow-up request to
the GeneraI Services Administration (GSA). Follow-up
requests more than record positions must be forwarded
via narrative message, or mailed. Submit all follow-up
requests to the last activity known to hold the
requisition. See figures 4-5 and 4-6 for a sample of a
MILSTRIP message follow-up.
The status of requisitions in the outstanding file
must be continually reviewed to ensure they remain
active in the supply system. Automated activities have
the capability to screen the entire requisition file for
follow-up action. They also have the capability to select
an individual requisition on file. Outstanding
requisitions should be reviewed according to the
following schedule:
Review Frequency
Nonreceipt of material when the RDD or SDD has
expired is not a valid reason for submitting follow-up
requests. For example, if the estimated shipping date
(ESD) has not yet passed for requisitions with BB or BV
status and a follow-up request was submitted, it is
probable that the same status would be received. The
following paragraphs contain the restrictions applicable
to MILSTRIP folIow-up requests.
Status Not Requested
Requisitions that have a Media and Status code of
0 (zero) indicate no status was requested. A follow-up
requests may be submitted only after the RDD or SDD
has passed.
Requested Status Not Received
Follow-up inquiries for requisition priority
designators 01 through 08 may be submitted after 3 days
have passed from requisition submittal date, previous
status transaction date, or previous follow-up date.
Follow-up for priority 09 through 15 requisitions may
be submitted after 7 days under the same conditions. A
follow-up may also be submitted after 48 hours from the
expiration date of the RDD, SDD, and established time
frame for receipt of status. Before submitting a
follow-up, consider the fact that the supply source may
not have received the original requisition. In this case,
the activity may follow-up only with the proper
document from the AT series.