research unit must determine the technical manuals and
publications required to support the organization and
maintain receipt and distribution control. Once control
is established, the majority of the manuals, publications,
and changes are placed on automatic distribution to the
activity. The requisitioning procedures are described in
Section I of the Navy Stock List of Publications and
Forms, Cognizance Symbol 1. Normally, new
publications are issued directly to affected activities
without request. Some publications are distributed
automatically, because they are required in the
performance of various supply corps functions. Copies
of the publications are consolidated and mailed to the
address listed in the Standard Navy Distribution List
The supply officer is responsible for ensuring that a
list of all official publications held in the supply
department is maintained. The list includes the title of
each publication, the number of copies, and the location
of each copy. The publications will be reviewed at least
annually. When changes in current requirements occur,
the issuing bureau, command, or office will be notified
so that adjustments can be made in the applicable
distribution list.
A change to a manual or publication consists of a
set of replacement change pages for the area of the
manual affected by the change action. This action is
required for paper manuals or publications only. When
a change is required to a CD-ROM format, the CD is
usually reissued in its entirety.
Unlike a change, a revision constitutes a complete
reissue or a replacement of a manual with all change
information incorporated. Issuance of a revision
normally takes place when 60 percent or more of the
document is affected by a single change or accumulated
changes, or in the event manual use would be impaired
because of change complexity.
You will be using many general-use manuals,
publications, and directives. You will need them to
determine standard supply operating procedures and to
obtain management data relative to material
identification, requisitioning, and processing of
repairable components. We cover these manuals and
publications in the following paragraphs.
The Naval Supply Systems Command Manual is
comprised of the following volumes:
Volume 2, Supply Ashore, contains basic supply
principles and procedures for NAVSUPSYSCOM
managed shore activities.
Volume 5, Transportation of Property, contains
policy and procedural instructions for all ashore
activities shipping and receiving Navy property via
commercial and military transportation media.
The Naval Logistics Library (NLL), NAVSUP
P-600, issued on CD-ROM, is specifically designed by
FMSO to make logistics information more accessible to
abroad range of personal computer users. The two types
of data found in the NLL are full text data (documents
such as publications, manuals, and instructions) and
structured data (fixed format records). The NLL is
published biannually in September and March. all
changes and rewrites will be included in each release to
ensure availability of the most current information. The
data included in the NLL are NAVSUP publications,
NAVSUP P-4400, Afloat Shopping Guide, NAVSUP
P-2002, Navy Forms and Publications, and NAVSUP
The Navy Comptroller (NAVCOMPT) Manual
provides policy, regulation, and procedures within the
area of primary support responsibility and technical
guidance of the comptroller of the Navy. Although the
NAVCOMPT manual has 10 volumes, only volumes 2
and 3 are of primary concern to you. The Accounting
Classification, volume 2, is a reference book that
contains the classification necessary to report the receipt
and expenditure of public finds in each of the three
phases of the Navy accounting system. It also includes
appropriation, cost, and property accounting. The Unit
Identification Codes, volume 2, chapter 5, lists the UICs
for all the activities, ships, aviation units, and other
organizational components of the Navy. The
Appropriation, Cost, and Accounting, volume 3,
prescribes accounting procedures in connection with
appropriation, cost, and property accounting for field
activities. This volume establishes methods used by
supply and fiscal officers ashore to report the receipt and
expenditure of public funds and property.
The publications that contain information for
operating target (OPTAR) maintenance are in two
volumes. The first volume is the NAVSO P-3013-1,
Financial Management of Resources Fund
Administration. The second volume is NAVSO
P-3013-2, Financial Management of Resources
Operating Procedures. These publications also contain
definitions of terms used in the resources management
system pertaining to ships, activities, and squadrons.