The Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue
Procedures (MILSTRIP), and Military Standard
Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures
(MILSTRAP), NAVSUP P-437, establishes policy and
procedures relative to requisitioning, issue, transaction
reporting, and accounting. This publication takes
precedence over conflicting provisions contained in
other supply system manuals or directives. It serves as
ready reference for personnel involved in
preparation/processing of MILSTRIP documents. The
is another handy reference. This desk-top booklet
contains those common definitions, coding structures,
and abbreviated cede definitions used on a day-to-day
basis. The blank space is provided for entering
commonly used routing identifier, fund, project, and
locally assigned codes.
The Supply Afloat Packaging Procedures,
NAVSUP P-484, provides a guide to assist naval supply
activities, both ashore and afloat, that have limited
packaging facilities in protecting material during
transfer and shipment of retrograde repairable items.
The Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485,
establishes policies for the operation and management
of afloat supply departments and activities operating
under afloat procedures. It is designed to assist supply
personnel in the proper performance of their assigned
duties and to aid them in understanding and performing
their individual tasks associated with afloat supply
operations. Although this publication is designed
primarily for nonautomated ships (ships that use manual
supply procedures), much of the information and policy
it contains is applicable to all afloat supply departments,
including those that are automated. The procedures
contained in this publication are minimum procedures
that are essential to acceptable supply management and
are mandatory unless specifically stated as being
optional. It encompasses the procedures outlined in
NAVSUP P-437 as they apply to afloat situations.
The Automated SNAP I Supply Procedures (ASSP),
NAVSUP P-567, Volumes 1 and 2, provides detailed
procedures for the operation of shipboard Uniform
Automated Data Processing SystemReal Time
(SUADPS-RT) for logistics, inventory, and financial
Publications dealing primarily with the operation
and maintenance of aircraft and related equipment
within the Department of the Navy are issued by or
under the direction of NAVAIR The allowance
requirements registers (ARRs), allowance list (ALs),
and tables of basic allowances (TBAs) are approved by
NAVAIR and published by ASO The common ARRs,
ALs, and TBAs used by the AKs areas follows:
A (ARR) 00-35QA-1
B (ARR) 00-35QB
BR (ARR) 00-35QBR
D (ARR) 00-35QD
G (AL)
H (AL)
N (ARR) 00-35QN
R (ARR) 00-35QR-4
General aeronautical and
NSA material common
to various types of air-
Repair parts (airframes,
engines, accessories, and
electronics) peculiar to
specific types of aircraft
Repair parts (airframes,
engines, accessories, and
electronics) peculiar to
specific target aircraft or
drone helicopters
Repair parts and special
tools for maintenance
support of catapults on
General support equip-
ments and hand tools
required for O and I
levels of aircraft mainte-
Flight operational mate-
rial, such as flight
clothing, parachutes,
oxygen masks, inflatable
life raft and life jackets,
compasses, and soon
Repair parts peculiar to
specific models of turbo-
jet and turboshaft aircraft
General electronic mate-
rials required for mainte-
nance of various avionics
equipments and systems
Aeronautical electronic
accessories common to
designated aircraft
Repair parts, spare com-
ponents, assemblies, and
subassemblies peculiar
to specific aeronautical
electronic equipments