The Defense Personnel Support Center (DPSC) is
located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is responsible
for food items, medical supplies, and clothing.
The Defense Fuel Supply Center (DFSC) is located
in Washington, D.C. It is responsible for petroleum and
bulk petroleum-based chemicals.
The Defense Electronics Supply Center (DESC) is
located in Dayton, Ohio. It is responsible for electronic
and electrical equipment and repair parts.
The Defense Industrial Supply Center (DISC) is
located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is responsible
for industrial type items. Some of these items are
bearings, wire ropes, and sheet metal.
The Defense Construction Supply Center (DCSC)
is located in Columbus, Ohio. It is responsible for
structural material and equipment, components, and
repair parts.
The Defense General Supply Center (DGSC) is
located in Richmond, Virginia. It is responsible for
furniture, food preparation equipment, and recreation
equipment. It is also responsible for packaged petroleum
product, office supplies, and cleaning supplies.
The defense supply centers perform the same
functions for the defense supply system as ICP performs
for the Navy supply system. The only exception is that
DFSC has no responsibility for inventory control.
The defense depots (DD) perform material
distribution functions within the defense supply system.
The DD is a storage point for DLA material. The
responsible DSC controls the issuance of material from
a DD. The DD issues material based on the requisitions
received and processed centrally by the DSC. The DD
cannot accept requisitions directly, and issues material
only when directed by the DSC.
The General Services Administration (GSA)
provides common use items to the Navy. These items
include paints, hand tools, paper materials, and cleaning
gear. The NLL lists the Navy interest items as
cognizance symbol 9Q. These items are available at
Navy stock points.