include identification and inspection of material and
determining the disposition of the item. The procedures
also include separating stock items fom DTO and
recording and reporting receipt discrepancies.
When considered necessary, a transit shed or butler
hut is constructed to support shipboard supply
operations. This provides additional space and allows
some receiving functions. The ships supply officer
determines the receiving functions, personnel, and
equipment when receiving is to be performed ashore.
Files are used to keep records of outstanding
requisitions applicable to prospective material receipts.
Upon receipt of material, these records are used to ease
the receipt process, Also, files are used for holding
records as proof of receipt or disposition of material.
Material Outstanding File
The material outstanding file (MOF) contains a
copy of procurement documents for materials or
services not yet received. This file contains various
documents as attachment to the procurement request.
The file may contain follow-up, supply status, shipping
status, as well as shipping documents that are
specifically applicable to a single item.
Material Completed File
The material completed tile contains a copy of
procurement documents removed from MOF. This tile
contains received, canceled, or rejected records of
Multiple Item Shipping File
This file contains outstanding shipping documents
that cover multiple item shipments. It consists of
memoranda, transportation control and movement
document (TCMD), and other types of shipping papers.
This file is kept in the supply office or main receiving
area. The outstanding documents are tiled according to
shipment destinations and should be reviewed prior to
entering port. When a multiple item shipment is
receives the outstanding document will be marked with
date of receipt. Any discrepancies noted will also be
written on the document. The receipts will then be filed
in a separate folder marked Completed Shipping
Miscellaneous Receipt File
This file contains shipping papers and invoices of
material received but not ordered by the activity. For
example, an item shipped by a shore activity to an
aircraft squadron aboard ship. In this case, the receiving
personnel will transfer the item to the squadron, get
signatures, mark the receipt date, and file the document.
You should prepare a consumption document for
material received and issued as DTO.
Material must be inspected and verified upon
receipt. Receipt inspection requires a quantity and
quality certification, depending upon the source of
supply. The following paragraphs describes the
requirements for inspection and verification of material
Receipts From Naval Activities
Materials received from naval activities require a
quantity inspection only. The shore supply activity has
conducted the quality inspection upon acceptance of
material from the original supplier. There is no need to
duplicate the quality inspection aboard ship or station.
The receiving personnel need only verify the quantity
and inspect for obvious damage or tampering of
material. Opening material received in bales, packages,
or cases to ascertain their contents is not necessary.
Receiving personnel can receive them according to their
external markings and package count. Show acceptance
of the entire quantity shipped by circling the quantity on
the shipping document. If damage is obvious, technical
personnel from the user department will need to perform
an inspection to ensure the material is acceptable. If only
the packaging is damaged, repack and remark the
material for further processing. If the material is
damaged, mark the paperwork as described in previous
paragraphs. Then, put the material in a holding area for
discrepancy reporting.
Receipts From Marine Corps and Other
Government Activities
Receipts from government activities other than
Navy will be inspected for quality and quantity. Receipts
from Marine activities by Marine aviation logistics
squadrons (MALS) will inspect for quantity only.
Receiving personnel will perform the quality
inspection. If receiving personnel are not qualified to do