if the item was ordered for stock replenishment
incident to an issue) as shown in figure 3-2.
DOD Single Line Item Release/Receipt
Document, DD Form 1348-1
Receipts from shore activities and automated
afloat units are done either on a DOD Single Line
Item Release/Receipt Document, DD Form
1348-1, or an Issue/Receipt Release Document
(IRRD). Examples of these receipt documents are
shown in figures 3-3 and 3-4.
When material is received on a DD Form
1348-1, the following procedures apply:
1. The quantity is circled if the quantity
received is the same as that indicated on the
document. If the quantity is different, the original
quantity is lined out and the correct quantity is
entered immediately above the original quantity
and circled.
2. The date received and signature are entered
in block 7.
3. Block N of the DD Form 1348-1 contains
the security code for the item shipped, and card
column 73 contains the material control code
Receiving personnel should be familiar with
both MILSTRIP and local management coding
and command instructions for controlled items.
When the material is received on an IRRD,
the following procedures apply:
1. The IRRD is designed to be used with ship-
board LOGMARS processing equipment and is
processed the same as procedures prescribed for
DD Form 1348-1.
2. The security and MCC information is
contained in the lower left portion of the IRRD
and is used for receipt processing.
Requisition and Invoice/Shipping
Document, DD Form 1149
The Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Docu-
ment, DD Form 1149, is normally used to requisi-
tion or receive specific materials or services such
as repairs or rental equipment. When material or
services are received on a DD Form 1149, a
technical inspection by the ordering department
is done, if required. The unique nature of the
material received on the DD Form 1149 requires
that receiving personnel be extremely careful when
processing these receipts and thereby make
certain material is safeguarded and properly
Figure 3-4.-Issue/Receipt Release Document (IRRD).