Figure 2-12.Aged Unfilled Order Listing.
Aged Unfilled Order Listing
The Aged Unfilled Order Listing, as shown
in figure 2-12, is forwarded monthly (except for
the first quarter of the current fiscal year) by the
FAADC to the individual OPTAR holders for
each OPTAR held. The listing is distributed
monthly for the 4th month through the 15th
month of the reporting period, and then quarterly
for the 16th report month through the 33rd report
month. The original only, with supporting detail
cards for each line item, is provided to Atlantic
Fleet ships and Operating Forces units. An
original and one copy is provided to Atlantic Fleet
aviation Operating Forces and all Pacific Fleet
units without supporting detail cards. The Aged
Unfilled Order Listing lists all unfilled orders over
120 days old held in the FAADC files that have
not matched with related expenditure documents
and have not been cancelled. When the material
or services have been received, this indicates that
the FAADC has not received the expenditure
document, a number has been transposed thereby
prohibiting a match and has been directly
threshold charged, or the issuing activity has failed
to forward an expenditure document.
Unmatched Expenditure Listing
An Unmatched Expenditure Listing (original
and one copy) is forwarded quarterly, when
applicable, by the FAADC to the individual OP-
TAR holders. The Unmatched Expenditure
Listing itemizes expenditure documents
(regardless of value) received by the FAADC for
material or services that have not matched with
an unfilled order. The Unmatched Expenditure
Listing is prepared for the following categories
of funds: reimbursable OPTAR transactions, ship
overhaul funds, minor construction, and
maintenance of real property.