Document Transmittal Report, NAVCOMPT
Form 2156, on the last day of each month for
current fiscal year OPTARs. SUADPS OPTAR
holders only submit detail unfilled order (obliga-
tion) documents for some of their transactions
(for example, reimbursable OPTAR transactions,
flight operations, and services). Refer to figure
2-8 for the frequency of submission of the OP-
TAR document transmittal reports.
Budget/OPTAR Report
Under normal circumstances, the message
Budget/OPTAR Report, NAVCOMPT Form
2157, is used to report Budget/OPTAR Report
data, However, when the operating unit is in the
immediate vicinity of the FAADC or during
periods of message MINIMIZE, the report is
prepared and submitted instead of the message
report. When prepared, the Budget/OPTAR
Report is submitted by hand or mail to the
FAADC, with a copy to the TYCOM, no later
than the first workday of the month following the
month to be reported. When a message report is
submitted, the report is sent to the FAADC, with
a copy to the TYCOM no later than the second
day of the month following the end of the month
being reported. In addition, when the message
report is submitted, the Budget/OPTAR Report
copy is NOT submitted. Refer to figure 2-9 for
Figure 2-8.-Frequency of submission of the OPTAR
Document Transmittal Report, NAVCOMPT Form
Figure 2-9.-Frequency of transmittal of the Budget/
OPTAR Report, NAVCOMPT Form 2157.
the frequency of transmittal of the Budget/OP-
TAR Report.
The designated fleet accounting offices
authorization accounting activities, perform the
official accounting for OPTARs granted to ships,
aviation squadrons, and other commands, as
assigned. One part of the accounting process
performed for each OPTAR holder is the
matching of unfilled order documents transmitted
by OPTAR holders with the corresponding expen-
diture documents received from supply activities.
The reconciliation process results in the pro-
duction of listings that provide a report of
transactions affecting the OPTAR holders funds.
Some of these listings are submitted to the OP-
TAR holder for review and processing. Copies of
the listings, annotated with the action taken, are
returned by the OPTAR holder to the FAADC
so the official accounting records can be correctly