a detachable handle, a base (3), a drum (2), andworm wheel assembly (l), a worm (8), a shaft (4),and a set of bevel gear (5), a ratchet (7), anoperating mechanism, a cable retainer, and aspring-loaded retractor used to lay in or release theratchet lock (6). The base of the winch is bolted tothe stanchion and provides drum support for theworm shaft, a bushed port for the operatingmechanism, and an opening for the retractor.The worm wheel is pinned to the drum and isprovided with bushings and a retainer to lock it tothe drum shaft. The worm is keyed to the commonshaft and engages the worm wheel. The commonshaft (4), rotating in a ball bearing at one end,passes through the shaft supports to receive thelarger of the bevel gears. The large bevel gear andthe ratchet are a composite assembly and aremounted on the square end of the common shaft.The large bevel gear engages the smaller bevel gear,which is threaded and pinned to the shaft of theoperating mechanism that passes through the baseof the winch. On the same center line but belowthe bevel gears, the spring-loaded retractor passesthrough the base to engage that ratchet.With the pawl handle inserted in the operatingmechanism and held, the retractor is pulled outuntil the lugs clear the slots. The retractor is thenturned to engage the lugs in the opposing short slotsto hold the retractor out of the ratchet. The handlemay now be turned clockwise to tension orcounterclockwise to slacken. The energy of thehandle’s turning is transmitted through the set ofbevel gears to the common shaft to rotate the worm.Rotation of the worm engages the worm wheelpinned to the drum and tensions or slackens thecable.DECK WINCHESThe deck winches, through the tensioningpendants, provide a means of tensioning the lowerloading strap of the barricade webbing.1. Piston8. Vent valve assembly2. Cylinder9. Plug3. Front cap10. Piston rod gland4. Rear cap11. Piston gland5. Piston rod12. Packing6. Plunger13. O-ring7. Hose14. ShimFigure 3-37.—Hydraulic cylinder assembly.3-40
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