Appropriate use of goggles will limit eye hazards.Some goggles have plastic lenses that resist shatteringupon impact. Others are designed to limit harmfulinfrared and ultraviolet radiation from arcs or flamesby use of appropriate filter lenses.Remember, eye damage can be excruciatinglypainful. PROTECT YOUR EYES.GLOVESUse gloves whenever you are required to handlerough, scaly, or splintery objects. Special flameproofgloves are designed for gas and electric-arc welding tolimit danger and damage from sparks and other hotflying objects (fig. 1-60). Personnel in the electricalfields are usually required to wear insulating rubbergloves.Be sure to follow all regulations prescribed for theuse of gloves.Gloves must not be worn aroundrotating machinery unless sharp or rough material isbeing handled. If such is the case, EXTREME CARESHOULD BE EXERCISED to prevent the glovesfrom being caught in the machinery.SAFETY BELTS AND STRAPSThe safety strap and body belt shown in figure1-61 are what might be called your extra hands whenyou work aloft. The body belt, strapped around yourwaist, contains various pockets for small tools. Thesafety strap is a leather or neoprene-impregnatednylon belt with a tongue-type buckle at each end.While you are climbing you will have the safety strapFigure 1-60.-Gas and etectric-arc welding gloves.Figure 1-61.-Safety equipment.hanging by both ends from the left ring (called aD-ring because of its shape) on the body belt. Whenyou are at working position, you unsnap one end ofthe safety strap, pass it around the supporting structureso there is no danger of its slipping (at least 18 inchesfrom the top of the part on which it is fastened), andhook it to the right D-ring on the body belt.The safety strap must be placed around a part ofthe structure that is of sufficient strength to sustain anABs weight and his or her equipment, and must restflat against the surface without twists or turns. Itmust not be placed around any part of a structure thatis being removed.ABs climbing poles at shorestations must be sure to place the straps beneath armsand braces of the poles, wherever possible.Before placing your weight on the strap,determine VISUALLY that the snap and D-ring areproperly engaged.Do not rely on the click of thesnap-tongue as an indication that the fastening issecure.The body belt and safety strap require inspectionbefore use. Look for loose or broken rivets; cracks,cuts, nicks, tears or wear in leather; broken orotherwise defective buckles, such as enlargedtongue-holes, defects in safety-belt snap hooks andbody belt D-rings. If you discover any of these orother defects, turn in your equipment and replace it.Perform maintenance periodically according toapplicable procedures.Remember that leather andnylon belts are treated in different manners.POWER TOOLSPower tools have become so commonplace in theNavy that all ratings now use them in the performanceof maintenance at one time or another.1-36
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