secured within an outer steel frame. The frame is
both welded and bolted to the flight deck inboard of
each of the deck sheaves at an approximate
45 degrees forward facing angle. The bolted section
of the frame is removable in order to replace worn
impact pads as needed. Upon initial arrestment by
an aircraft the terminal will impact on the pads
instead of the steel deck, minimizing damage to the
fittings, purchase cable, and crossdeck pendants.
Wire Supports
The wire supports provide a method of raising
the crossdeck pendant off the flight deck to ensure
arresting (tail) hook engagement of the incoming
These wire supports are actually preshaped leaf
springs that are designed to maintain a crossdeck
pendant height of 2 inches minimum, measured
from the bottom of the pendant to deck at its lowest
point, and 5 1/2 inches maximum, measured from
the top of the pendant to the deck at its highest
point (fig. 3-30). The crossdeck pendant height is
regulated by adjusting the wire supports contour
Each wire support is mounted directly to the
flight deck. The forward end of the wire support
spring is rigidly secured by use of a cam
mounted in a deck recess and a follower and pin at
the end of the wire support. The forward end of
the spring is then held in the deck recess by the
cam-end disc and the cam-end forward stop (fig.
Adjustment of the wire support spring height is
made at its aft end. The aft end of the wire support
is also pinned, and set between adjustable forward
stops as required (fig. 3-31).
Wire supports are replaced when they become
deformed or damaged or when they fail to maintain
the required crossdeck pendant height of 2 inches
Figure 3-30.Checking crossdeck pendant height.