The specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of a
given volume of a fuel to the weight of an equal volume
of distilled water. Normally, the gravity of petroleum
products is converted to degrees API, according to the
API (American Petroleum Institute) scale. All gravity
determinations are correlated with a specific tempera-
ture of 60°F by use of ASTM Standard D1250-80.
The specific gravity of petroleum products must be
determined to correct the volume at different tempera-
tures when gauging the liquid content of storage tanks,
tankers, and barges. The specific gravity of JP-5 is also
used to select the proper discharge ring on the centrif-
ugal purifier.
A change of the specific gravity of a fuel may
indicate a change of composition caused by the mixing
of different fuels, or even mixing different grades of
the same fuel.
Viscosity is the measure of a liquids resistance to
flow. The significance of viscosity depends on the
intended use of the product. For application and per-
formance, proper viscosity is highly important since
specified minimum and maximum flow rates of flow
are required for all fuels and lubricating oils. In fuel,
viscosity determination serves as an index of how it
will flow to the burners, the extent to which it will be
atomized, and the temperatures at which the fuel must
be maintained to be properly atomized.
All petroleum fuels have the characteristic of being
able to dissolve some materials. They can dissolve
common lubricants, such as oils and greases in pumps,
valves, packing, and other equipment. This charac-
teristic requires the use of special lubricants for gasoline
Gasolines also cause serious deterioration of all
rubber materials except those synthetic types designed
especially for gasoline service. It is very important,
therefore, that only hose specially made and designated
for gasoline be used in this service. This also applies to
packing, gaskets, and other materials that must be used
in gasoline systems.
Like gasoline, jet engine fuels have certain solvent
properties that dissolve greases and cause deteriora-
tion of some rubber materials. Therefore, only spe-
cially designated greases and synthetic materials
should be used for jet engine fuel service. Another
important solvent property of jet engine fuels is their
ability to dissolve asphalt used for aircraft runways
and pavements. Jet engine fuels seriously damage
asphalt pavements, and even small spills of this fuel
on asphalt pavement should be avoided.
The freezing point of a fuel is the temperature at
which solid particles begin to form in the fuel. These
particles are waxy crystals normally held in solution in
the fuel. These particles can readily block the filters in
an aircraft fuel system. The fuel almost always becomes
cloudy before the solid particles form. This cloud is due
to the presence of dissolved water in the fuel coming
out of the solution and freezing.
The freezing point of JP-5 is 51°F. The fuels used
by other NATO countries and by commercial users
vary widely.
The flash point of a fuel is the lowest temperature
at which the fuel vaporizes enough to form a combus-
tible vapor. These temperatures vary according to the
fuel in question.
The flash point of a fuel is an index of the fuels
potential safety when being handled or when in stor-
age. JP-5 must have a flash point of at least 140°F to
have the high safety factor required for storage aboard
an aircraft carrier in unprotected tanks. F-40 (JP-4)
and F-34 (JP-8) fuels flash at any normal temperature
and are in danger of ignition any time they contact a
hot surface. Therefore, these fuels must be handled
with caution from a safety standpoint.
Most people are aware of the explosive and fire
potential of aviation fuels. Furthermore, there is a
danger to the health of the individual who must work
where hydrocarbon vapors are present. Prolonged in-
halation of hydrocarbon vapors can cause dizziness,
intoxication, nausea, and death. Consequently, ap-
proved safety procedures that minimize the dangers to
the health of fuel-handling personnel must be fol-
lowed meticulously.
The concentration of gasoline vapors that can be
tolerated by man is far below that required to produce
combustible or explosive mixtures with air. Even one-
tenth of the amount necessary to support combustion or
to form an explosive mixture is harmful if inhaled for
more than a short time, causing dizziness, nausea, and