lubricating oil is supplied from the storage tank,
positioning of the first-stage augmenter may result
by way of the oil outlet to the engine lubricating
in the following:
system and back to the tank, through the oil inlet.
The amount of oil in the tank can be readily
1. Excessive turbulence in the region of the
determined by observing the oil level in the
exit nozzle.
sight gauge. The storage tank is located at an
2. Excessive buildup of exhaust back-
extension of the connector panel in the test cell.
The auxiliary lubricating oil-cooling system is
3. An increase in exhaust gas temperature.
4. Loss of thrust.
provided for use as required by specific engines.
Refer to applicable engine test instructions. It
5. Insufficient or excessive secondary airflow.
(Excessive secondary airflow produces ram drag
consists of an oil temperature regulator valve, a
heat exchanger, and suitable plumbing. Water,
across the engine; and with operation of high-
thrust engines, an excessive test cell depression
by way of the oil temperature regulator valve,
passes through the cooling elements of the
lubricating oil heat exchanger, which is used to
The second-stage exhaust augmenter is located
cool the engine oil circulating through the
in the spray room. A movable collector section
exchanger. The temperature of the oil returned
to the engine is sensed by the oil temperature
is provided along with a flat orifice plate. Move-
regulator valve by a sensing bulb installed in the
ment of the collector section and the indexing of
heat exchanger oil line. The oil temperature
the orifice plate afford quantity adjustment of the
regulator reacts to the bulb signal by positioning
airflow from the secondary air intake stack
a poppet valve. This increases or decreases water
through the second-stage augmenter. The lateral
flow through the heat exchanger, thus maintaining
diffusing vanes are water cooled and afford
the oil outlet temperature between proper limits.
additional exhaust gas cooling. Discharged
The oil temperature regulator is provided with a
exhaust gases, mixed with spray water and air,
handwheel so that the temperature range maybe
pass from the second-stage augmenter into up-
adjusted to maintain outlet oil temperature within
ward diffusing vanes. These vanes are located at
the allowable range. The water used for cooling
the base of the exhaust stack and upward and out
the engine lubricating oil flows from the main
the exhaust stack.
water supply system to the load bank water tank
(containing heating elements), and then to the oil
Fuel System Monitoring Assembly
temperature regulator valve.
The fuel system monitoring assembly (fuel
system) consists of the devices required for fuel
Compressed Air Component Assembly
filtration, flow and specific gravity measurement,
and flow control.
The compressed air component assembly
The fuel system consists of two 10,000-gallon
(compressed air system) provides pneumatic
underground fuel tanks, two fuel pumps, two
power, air system hardware, and pneumatically
motor-driven fuel line valves, the fuel system
operated controls and actuating cylinders
monitoring assembly, and various controls and
necessary for remote control of numerous devices
pilot lights at the control board. The fuel system
throughout the test facility.
is interlocked to the basic interlock system, to the
CO2 fire-extinguishing system, and to the exhaust
electric motor-driven system) is located in the
gas cooling system.
pump room, and is controlled by a switch located
on the master control center in the control
Engine Oil Assembly
room. Two plug-in outlets supply unregulated
compressed air for test cell utility purposes as
The engine oil reservoir and engine auxiliary
required. Air filtration and partial dehydration
l u b r i c a t i n g oil-cooling system component
are accomplished by two float-type air filters for
assembly (lubricating system) provide a 20-gallon
two main branch supply lines. The pressure to
engine oil reservoir and an auxiliary means of
each branch line is controlled by two manually
cooling engine oil to a controlled temperature.
set air pressure regulators. Beyond the pressure
The engine oil reservoir system is made up of
regulators, the air system branches off to the
a 20-gallon tank equipped with suitable fittings,
various control components for other major
a sight gauge, and breather vent. The engine