Landing Lights
Most aircraft are now using strobe lights to
provide anticollision warning to other aircraft.
Modern naval aircraft have high candlepower
This system has a 3,000 to 3,500 candlepower
landing lights to illuminate the landing strip.
white light for day and 150 to 200 candlepower red
Multiengined aircraft usually have a landing light
light for night. Both flash at 60 flashes per minute.
mounted on each wing. Single-engine aircraft use
Aircraft equipped with in-flight fueling tanker
only one landing light, which normally mounts
capabilities can turn off the lower anticollision
on the port wing.
light during delivery of fuel to another aircraft.
Tanker aircraft use a bluish-green lens over their
Sealed-beam lights with a rating of 28 volts, 600
anticollision lights to identify this capability to
watts are used. They use split-field series dc
other aircraft in need of fuel.
Figure 4-6.-Retractable landing lights.