Oil Supply System
3. Load bank
4. Oil supply system
The oil supply system is electrically driven,
which provides oil cooling and pressures under
Variable-Speed Drive Assembly
test. The system contains all controls, valves, and
instruments needed to maintain and monitor oil
flow. It also maintains and monitors temperatures
The test set variable-speed drive assembly can
2,000 and 11,000 RPM. Speed regulation is better
test set allows the four major assemblies to operate
as one unit, or they can be separated to permit
than 1 percent in this speed range. Speed is
operation in confined areas.
controllable between 55 and 11,000 RPM. The
upper frame of the variable-speed drive houses
the drive motor reversing switch and main input
power circuit breaker. The line radio noise filters,
unit-under-test cooling air blower, and the trolley
and hoist assembly are also on the upper frame.
The speed control panel on the control console
Q1. What are the two types of test equipment?
provides control of the gearbox output shaft
Q2. What test equipment is used to test
Control Console
current relays in as many operating con-
The control console may be wall mounted,
ditions as possible?
floor mounted, or mounted on the test set
assembly. The control console provides the means
for you to program and monitor the test function
remotely from the other subassemblies of the test
set. A stowaway type of shelf, extending the full
length of the control console, gives you working
Since semiconductors have replaced vacuum
space. A card file drawer, convenient power
tubes, the testing of semiconductors is vital. In
this section, three basic types of equipment are
outlets, and covered terminals are located on the
left-hand end of the control console. The panels
discussed--the Huntron Tracker 1000, Huntron
Tracker 2000, and the Automatic Transistor
contain dead front switches and controls; and all
power exceeding 125 volts ac is within enclosures
Analyzer Model 900 in-circuit transistor tester.
for operator safety. The control console consists
of a variable-speed drive panel, ac metering panel,
Huntron Tracker 1000
dc metering panel, a load bank control panel, and
a terminal panel.
You will test components with Huntron
Tracker 1000 using a two-terminal system, where
two test leads attach to the leads of the component
Load Bank
under test. The 1000 tests components in-circuit,
The load bank provides for the loading of ac
even when there are several components in
parallel. The following types of devices are tested
using the Huntron Tracker 1000:
bank houses the resistive elements (both ac
and dc) along with the load switching relays.
The temperature sensors and a self-contained,
forced-air cooling system are also located within
Bipolar and field effect transistors
the load bank housing. The load bank is limited
Bipolar and MOS integrated circuits (both
to selecting and applying adjustable resistive ac
analog and digital)
balanced loads from 1 to 30 kW (0 to 10 kW per
phase). The dc limitation is 0- to 500-ampere dc
Resistors, capacitors, and inductors