Figure 6-19 shows a typical spark igniter.ACCESSORY SECTION.—The accessorysection of the gas turbine engine is usually mountedbeneath the compressor section. This section containsan accessory drive gearbox, a housing (case), andprovisions for mounting the engine-driven accessories(constant speed drive transmission, fuel and oil pumps,and electrical and tachometer generators, etc.). In gasturbine engines with air turbine starters, the starter ismounted on the forward face of the accessory gearbox.The accessory gearbox also includes many of the gasturbine engine's internal lubrication systemcomponents.Q6-1. What are the four types of jet propulsionengines?Q6-2. Describe the basic operating principle for alljet engines.Q6-3. The law that states "for every acting forcethere is an equal and opposite reacting force"describes how air escaping from the rear of aballoon propels the balloon in the oppositedirection. What law does this illustrate?Q6-4. What is the simplest power plant that usesatmospheric air to support combustion?Q6-5. What jet engine doesn't have either acompressor or a turbine and can't take offunder its own power?Q6-6. What are the four types of gas turbineengines?Q6-7. What are the five major components of aturbojet?Q6-8. What are the three major assemblies of theturboprop engine?Q6-9. Turboshaft engines are normally found onwhat type of aircraft?6-15Figure 6-19.—Spark igniter.
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