Compressor inlet temperature
Compressor discharge pressure
Burner pressure
Compressor inlet pressure
Turbine temperature
The more sophisticated fuel controls sense even more
operating variables.
The fuel control is the heart of the gas turbine
engine fuel system. This complex device schedules fuel
automatically provides fuel flow as dictated by the
operating conditions of the engine (temperature,
pressures, altitude, throttle position, etc.).
The fuel control combines the inputs of throttle
position, compressor discharge pressure, compressor
inlet temperature, and engine speed to produce the fuel
flow to operate the engine. The fuel control governs the
engine speed by controlling fuel flow. Fuel flow
acceleration and deceleration. During throttle bursts,
the fuel control also postpones the initiation of the
afterburner operation (if installed) to achieve the fastest
possible acceleration.
LUBRICATION SYSTEM.The oil lubrication
systems of modern gas turbine engines vary in design
and plumbing. However, most systems have units that
perform similar functions. In a majority of cases, a
pressure pump or system furnishes oil to lubricate and
cool several parts of the engine. A scavenging system
returns the oil to the tank for reuse. Overheating is a
problem in gas turbine engines. Overheating is more
severe after the engine stops than while it is running.
Oil flow, which normally cools the bearings, stops. The
heat stored in the turbine wheel now raises the
temperature of the bearings much higher than when the
engine was running. The oil moves heat away from
these bearings to prevent overheating. Most systems
include a heat exchanger to cool the oil. Many systems
have pressurized sumps and a pressurized oil tank. This
equipment ensures a constant head pressure to the
pressure lubrication pump to prevent pump cavitation
at high altitudes.
Oil consumption is relatively low in a gas turbine
consumption in the turbine engine primarily depends
upon the efficiency of the seals. However, oil can be
lost through internal leakage, and, in some engines, by
malfunctioning of the pressurizing or venting system.
Oil sealing is very important in a jet engine. Any
wetting of the blades or vanes by oil vapor causes
accumulation of dust or dirt. Since oil consumption is
so low, oil tanks are made small to decrease weight and
storage problems.
The main parts of the turbine requiring lubrication
and cooling are the main bearings and accessory drive
gears. Therefore, lubrication of the gas turbine engine
is simple. In some engines the oil operates the
servomechanism of fuel controls and controls the
position of the variable-area exhaust nozzle vanes.
Because each engine bearing gets its oil from a
metered or calibrated opening, the lubrication system is
known as the calibrated type. With few exceptions, the
lubricating system is of the dry sump design. This
design carries the bulk of the oil in an airframe or
engine-supplied separate tank. In the wet sump system,
the oil is carried in the engine itself. All gas turbine
engine lubrication systems normally use synthetic oil.
Figure 6-18 shows components that usually make
up the dry sump oil system of a gas turbine engine.
engines use high voltage and a spark of high heat
intensity. The high-energy, capacitor-discharge type of
ignition system provides both high voltage and an
exceptionally hot spark. This system assures ignition of
the fuel-air mixture at high altitudes.
There are two types of capacitor discharge ignition
systems. The high-voltage and the low-voltage systems
with dc or ac input. The high-voltage system produces a
double spark. The double spark is a high-voltage com-
ponent. This component ionizes (makes conductive)
the gap between the igniter plug electrodes so that the
high- energy, low-voltage component may follow. In
the low-voltage system, the spark is similar to the high-
voltage system, but uses a self-ionizing igniter plug.
Because of the high power in these ignition
systems, you must be careful to prevent a lethal
electrical shock from capacitors. Always avoid
contact with leads, connections, and components
until the capacitors have been grounded and are
fully discharged.