ASSIGNMENT 4Textbook Assignment:“Aviation Material Management,” chapter 4, pages 4-1 through 4-27.1 .2 .3 .4 .4-1.The Navy supply system is under thedirection of which of the followinga u t h o r i t i e s?COMNAVAIRSYSCOMCOMNAVSUPSYSCOMCOMNAVSEASYSCOMCOMNAVFACENGCOM4-2.Which of the followingorganizations has the primaryinventory responsibility for allaeronautical material in the navalsupply system?NAVICP-PhiladelphiaF M SONAVICP–MechanicsburgDLSC4-3.Aeronautical repairable componentsin the Navy are grouped into how1 .3.1 .2 .3 .4 .4.many categories?1. 12. 23. 34. 44-4.What computation method is used toset the high limit of FLR stockinventory level?1 .3.2.1.Using the same quantity as thenumber of aircraft beingsupportedThey are automatically set byNAVICP3.The same number as the repairquantity per month4.The same manner as forconsumables4-5.Which of the following terms refersto all replaceable packages ofavionic equipment or systems asinstalled in the aircraft weaponssystem?1.Weapons replaceable assembly2.Shop replaceable assembly3.Field level repairable4.Armament4-6.4-7.4-8.4-9.4-10.4-11.Total quantities of allcomponents are reportedsupply levels to NAVICPpurpose?The NAVICP can haverepairableby allfor whatan accuratecount of assets2.To determine the schedule ofr e p a i r a b l eTo decide when to buyadditional quantities4.All of the aboveUnder the DLR program, which of thefollowing inventory accounts may beused to stock components?1.Defense business operationsfund2.Appropriations purchase account3.End-useAll of the aboveWhich of the following accounts isa revolving fund?Operations and maintenance,Navy2.Defense business operationsfundMilitary personnel, Navy4.OPTAR fundWhen material purchased under DBOFis received, it is placed underwhat stores account?1.510002.520003.530004.57000In what stores account is the APAmaterial held?1.510002.520003.530004.57000Which of the following codes isused in the first digit of thecognizance symbol to identifycontractor supported items?1. 72. 53. 14. 017
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