Table 6-1.-FYDP Budget Activities
responsibility center managers with reports of financial
and quantitative information. This report permits the
managers to expeditiously determine the following
Variances from planned programs
Specific areas causing the variances
Areas where the workload is increasing or
Reduced or increased efficiency
To take corrective action to guarantee the
efficient use of available resources
The FYDP establishes the planned force structure
and financial levels for the military departments for a
five-year period. The Navy classifies each activity or
unit identified with a unit identification code (UIC) to
a FYDP or a specific budget activity within a FYDP and
to a specific program element. Refer to table 6-1 for a
list of program elements and related budget activities.
The principal missions to be accomplished under
the appropriation are classified as budget activities
(major programs) in the FYDP. These budget activities
provide the basis on which the entire RMS operations
is structured. Each appropriation symbol is identified
with a subhead (example: 17x4911.2320). The third
character of the appropriation subhead number
identifies the applicable budget activity. For example;
subhead .2320 identifies budget activity
2-General-Purpose Forces. The budget activities in
the FYDP applicable to the Operation and Maintenance,
Navy (O&MN) appropriations (regular and reserve) are
listed in table 6-1.
The appropriation 17_1804 O&MN (regular) has
subheads that are structured by and identify Regular
Navy budget activities that align with the FYDP. The
appropriation 17_ 1806 O&MNR (reserve) has
subheads that are structured by and identify the
applicable Naval Reserve force budget activity of the
FYDP. The Navy cost information system classifies
each activity or unit identified with a UIC to the FYDP
or to a specific budget activity within the FYDP and to
a specific program element. Therefore, with the
exception of military personnel costs, the operation of
each activity, ship, squadron, or other operating unit is
funded entirely from the subhead applicable to the
individual activitys program classification.
Type commanders (TYCOMs) issue operating
budgets to shore activities designated as responsibility