Figure 6-3.-The DBOF revolving fund.
them from material carried in other special account
classes. The SAC-207 activities include afloat units
such as tenders, repair ships, combat stores ships,
aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships, and marine
air groups.
The SUADPS-RT activities use DBOF to
requisition material for stock or direct turn-over (DTO)
by citing a SAC-207 fund code on the external
requisitions. When the material is received, it is
recorded as a receipt in the DBOF. When the material
is issued, the OPTAR fund of the end-user is charged to
reimburse the DBOF. This is done by citing the
activitys UIC and the TYCOMs fund code on the issue
document, resulting in a charge to the OPTAR funds and
a reimbursement to the DBOF. For DTO receipts, the
SUADPS-RT computer will process the receipt into the
SAC 207 fund and generate a charge to the end users
OPTAR fund.
When a SUADPS-RT activity issues material to an
end-use funded activity, charges are made to the
receiving activitys OPTAR by citing the activitys
OPTAR and the TYCOMs fund code on the issue
document. This results in a charge to the customers
OPTAR and a reimbursement to the DBOF.
When there is an issue of DBOF material from one
SUADPS-RT activity to another SUADPS-RT activity,
the requisition is processed as an Other Supply Officer
(OSO) transfer.