records shows more than the actual quantity in the
storage location. This situation will result in a
warehouse refusal and a loss by inventory (LBI) will be
processed that increases the GIA.
LEVEL (SAL). The stores account material
management afloat/ship authorized levels
(SAMMA/SAL) is a management report. The intent of
the SAMMA/SAL is to maximize the amount of
authorized material on hand and minimize financial
investment in unauthorized material. The accuracy of
the SAMMA/SAL computation relies upon the
inventory validity. Improper financial processing can
contribute to the deficiency of SAL. For example, a
stock receipt documentation is reconciled against the
unmatched expenditure that is erroneous] y appearing
on the SAC 207 exception feedback listing. This results
in an inaccurate reflection of inventory validity.
Therefore, the amount of on-hand stock material as a
percentage of the SAL is incorrectly computed. If this
is a significant problem, the impact on supply readiness
can be critical.
RECEIPTS. The SAC 207 activities monitor the
percentage and number of unmatched expenditures and
receipts. The listings are monitored to ensure
compliance of the standards and goals set by NAVSUP
and TYCOMs. The standards and goals are generally
established for the following categories:
Total unmatched expenditures and dollar values
Number of overaged expenditures and dollar
Total unmatched receipts and dollar values
Number of overaged receipts and dollar values
The last page of unmatched listings for captions
C&H and A&G provides summaries by record counts
and total money values of all listed and unlisted
transactions. These values will be used by supply and
the financial managers to evaluate the activitys
performance in relation to receipts and SAC 207
exception processing.
(RAO). The term redistributable assets on order is
also known as unauthorized on order (UOO). The RAO
is the material on order that is above the requisitioning
objective (RO).
(RAB). The term redistributable assets on board
refers to the level of stock on hand that exceeds the sum
of the SAL and the authorized retention (AR). The AR
is a long-supply asset that is authorized for retention.
The RAB is also known as unauthorized long supply
The term operating target is defined as an estimate
of the amount of money that will be required by an
operating ship, staff, squadron, or other unit to perform
assigned tasks and functions.
Each year Congress enacts an O&MN
appropriation that authorizes the Navy to buy needed
material and services. A portion of this appropriation
is passed down through the chain of command to the
activity in the form of an OPTAR grant.
Type commanders require that the supply officers
develop an annual management plan for supplies and
equipage (S&E) OPTAR dollars. The participation of
other departments in the activity is essential in
developing the annual management plan. Accordingly,
department heads must determine their annual funding
requirements prioritized according to the type
commanders direction, then submit them to the supply
office. When the annual planning figure has been
promulgated by the type commander, the supply officer
develops a recommended allocation of funds. The
allocation of funds is developed in coordination with all
the departments based on their requirements. The
recommended allocation of funds and the entire
financial plan must be submitted to the commanding
officer for approval. The number and type of OPTAR
grants provided these activities depend on the mission
of the activity.
All SUADPS-RT activities (except
MAGs) receive Supplies and Equipage (S&E) OPTAR
grants to cover the operation and maintenance of the
activity. They may also receive a reimbursable OPTAR
when a requirement exists to provide work or services
to another TYCOM or government department as
directed by the activitys TYCOM. Tenders and repair
ships receive a Repair of Other Vessels OPTAR to
finance the material or services used in the repair of
other ships. Aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships,
and MAGs receive Aviation Fleet Maintenance (AFM)
OPTARs to cover the cost of aircraft maintenance.
Aviation squadrons receive Flight Operations
(FLTOPs) OPTARs to cover the cost of flight operations