Figure 6-4.-Receipts and billings document flow.
expenditures on DAOs files. This listing represents the
summaries, transfers from other supply officers,
billings from DLA, GSA, or civilian vendors for which
the ships have not processed a receipt. Captions C & H
are defined as follows:
Caption C- OSO Summaries
Caption H - Abstracted public voucher payments,
DLA billings, and GSA billings
The Unmatched Listing for Captions A & G is a
listing of all receipts processed by the SAC 207 activity.
The receipt is reported to DAO but has not been
matched with a bill or summary from the issuing
activity. Captions A & G are defined as follows:
Caption A Reported receipt
codes F4 and F5
from OSO, FIR
Caption G - Reported receipt from purchase, FIR
codes A 1, A3, and A4
The Listing of Partially Matched Receipts and
Abstracts or Summaries is also distributed by DAO on
a monthly basis. This listing informs the activities of
those expenditures that were partially matched during
the monthly reconciliation cycle. A transaction record
will also appear on the unmatched listing for captions
C & H for the unmatched quantity and money value.
Each record on the listing must be researched and
annotated with the appropriate codes listed in appendix
5 of NAVSUP P-567, volume 2. The annotated copy of
the listing is returned to the DAO no later than 20 days
after receipt.
The Follow-up Listing for Captions C & H contains
a separate listing of each caption code C & H that
represents above threshold unmatched and partially