operating budget. Each reimbursable order accepted
requires special identification coding to guarantee the
proper acummulation of costs. These special codes can
be obtained from paragraph 4200 of NAVSO P-3013.
The operating forces discussed in this chapter are
the ship and aviation operating forces. The ship
operating forces include the active fleet ships, reserve
training ships assigned to an active fleet, oceanographic
units, amphibious construction battalions and units,
staffs, and commands. The aviation operating forces
include the squadrons, units, staffs, ships supporting
aircraft (for aviation funds only), and fleet marine force
aviation commands (for Navy funds only). These
operating forces are assigned to the Defense
Accounting Office of the Atlantic or Pacific fleet for
accounting purposes.
Each type commander (or equivalent) is
responsible for the development of resource
requirements, administration of available funds, and
continuous analyses of the status of OPTARs issued,
including the efficient and effective use of them.
Corrective action is taken, where necessary, in the
research and reconciliation of unfilled orders,
unmatched expenditures, and expenses incurred.
The OPTAR holder is responsible for the efficient
and effective use of OPTAR. The OPTAR holder is also
responsible for accurate and timely accounting and
reporting of funds. Prompt action must be taken in
performing research and validation of transactions
reported by the accounting office.
The duties and responsibilities of the financial
recordskeeper are vitally important, especially at
Shipboard Uniform Automated Data Processing
System-Real Time (SUADPS-RT) activities. The
financial recordskeeper performs both end-use OPTAR
accounting and Defense Business Operations Fund
(DBOF) accounting. TYCOMs issue separate OPTARs
for the operation and maintenance of the activity, for the
repair of other vessels, and for flight operations. These
OPTARS are administered and reported as prescribed
by the Financial Management of Resources Operating
Procedures (Operating Forces), NAVSO P-3013. The
DBOF is administered and reported as prescribed by
various Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP),
Navy Comptroller (NAVCOMPT), and DFAS-CL
manuals. The financial recordskeeper must recognize
that the OPTAR funds are separate from the DBOF.
However, there is a relationship between these two
funds that must be understood.
The DBOF is a consolidation of the Navy Stock
Fund (NSF) and the Navy Industrial Fund (NIF). The
term DBOF replaces the terms NSF, NIF, and Navy
Stock Account (NSA). However, other documentation,
reports and associated correspondence may continue to
refer to NSA, NSF, or NIF.
The DBOF is a revolving fund established by
Congress to purchase material carried in stock ashore
as inventory by the Navy stock points, and material
carried afloat by destroyer tenders (ADs), repair ships
(ARs), submarine tenders (ASs), combat stores ships
(AFSs), aircraft carriers (CVs), nuclear-powered
aircraft carriers (CVNs), amphibious assault ships
(LPHs), helicopter assault landing ships (LHAs), and
marine air groups (MAGs). These activities spend
DBOF dollars to procure items expended to an end-use
customer. The fund is reimbursed when material is
requisitioned for use by charging the customers
OPTAR and crediting the DBOF. This transaction
returns the money to the DBOF so that replacement
material may be purchased and the revolving fund
continued, as shown in figure 6-3.
The DBOF also finances the operations that were
previously managed under the Navy Industrial Fund
(NIF). These are the operations of all industrial-type or
commercial-type activities approved by the Secretary
of Defense as specific projects under the fund.
The operations of the DBOF are governed by the
regulations of the Office of Secretary of Defense. Any
request for exceptions is submitted to the Comptroller
of the Navy via the Naval Supply Systems Command
(SAC) 207
The activities operating under SUADPS-RT
procedures are considered intermediate supply
facilities. These SUADPS-RT activities are authorized
to carry DBOF items as inventory material. This
material is categorized as SAC-207 material to separate