matched expenditures. The expenditures listed are 6
months old and will be overaged on the ninth month if
not reconciled. The transactions also appear on the
unmatched listing for captions C & H. The listing is
researched and annotated according to the procedures
in NAVSUP P-567, volume 2. An annotated copy is
returned to the DAO no later than 20 days after receipt.
A copy must be retained at the SAC 207 activity for at
least 1 year.
The Adjustment Listing for Captions C & H
represents all unmatched and partially matched
expenditures that became overaged during the monthly
reconciliation cycle,
These expenditures were
automatically charged (below threshold) as losses to the
DBOF. The documents in the listing must be researched
and processed accordingly.
The Follow-up Listing for Unmatched OSO
Receipts is a record of OSO receipts that has been in the
unmatched listing for captions A & G for 6 months. The
transactions have not matched expenditures from the
issuing activity and will become overaged at the ninth
month. The transactions must be researched and an
annotated copy sent to the DAO no later than 20 days
after receipt. A copy of the list is retained at the SAC
207 activity for at least 1 year.
The Listing of NAVSUP Form 1162 Records
contains end-use charges included in the monthly
DBOF expenditure report for charges or credits that
were later challenged by the receiving activity. The
charges have been billed back to the SAC 207 account
and will appear on the unmatched listing for captions C
& H with the notation 290 in the stock number field.
The listing is processed according to NAVSUP P-567,
volume 2. The listing of NAVSUP Form 1162 is not
returned to DAO but is retained by the SAC 207 activity
for a period of at least 1 year.
Periodically, SAC 207 activities will receive a
Request for Information on Material Receipt/
Expenditure Document, NAVCOMPT Form 168, from
other supply officers. This may be received from fleet
and industrial supply centers (FISCs), other SAC 207
activities, ships stores and so forth. The activities
submit the form to request proof of shipment or credit
documents for material offloads or issues. Detailed
procedures for processing NAVCOMPT Form 168 is
described in volume 2 of NAVSUP P-567.
Performance Analysis
Activities monitor key SAC 207 performance
indicators (pulse points) using various forms of
documentation. The key performance indicators and
proper supervisory audits can ensure proper financial
processing. The pulse points used to monitor the
activitys performance are described in the next
paragraphs. This section also discusses how financial
processing, if improperly performed, can affect the
performance indicators.
INVENTORY VALIDITY. This term refers to
the accuracy between the quantity of material posted in
stock records and quantity in the storage location.
Financial processing can affect the inventory validity in
an activity. For example, a receipt document was
processed to reconcile the unmatched expenditures or
receipts appearing on the SAC 207 exception feedback
listing without performing a spot inventory. This
process may lower the number of unmatched
expenditures or receipts; however, the inventory
validity can be significantly affected. Improperly
processed receipt documents, after the spot inventory,
can also affect inventory validity.
effectiveness reflects the activitys ability to fill
customer requirements. The customer requirements
filled by the activity (net) and from other sources (gross)
are used to measure the supply effectiveness, Financial
processing directly affects supply effectiveness. For
example, when stock receipt documentation is
reconciled against the unmatched expenditures
erroneous y appearing on the SAC 207 unmatched
expenditure listing without proper spot inventory
verification. The stock records could reflect a quantity
of material greater than that of the quantity actually in
the storage location.
This situation will result in
processing a warehouse refusal thereby lowering the
supply effectiveness.
(GIA). The GIA is calculated by totaling the monthly
gross adjustments (gains by inventory, losses by
inventory, and surveys) and dividing the result by the
monthly throughput. The throughput refers to the value
of specific categories of throughput identified by
certain FIR codes. An improperly processed exception
feedback listing can affect the GIA. For example, a
stock document is reconciled against the unmatched
expenditure or receipt erroneously appearing in the
SAC 207 feedback exception listing without
conducting a spot inventory. The quantity in the stock