will be conditions when an adjustment to the obligated
dollar value must be made to NAVCOMPT Form 2155
and the official accounting records at DAO.
Adjustments are performed for price adjustments,
change of cognizance symbols (from APA to NSA or
vice versa), or amendments to continuing services.
Refer to NAVSO P-3013 for detailed procedures in
processing adjustment transactions.
LOG. The requisition/OPTAR log must be balanced
on the 15th and last day of each month. This is
accomplished concurrently with the preparation of the
OPTAR Document Transmittal Report (NAVCOMPT
2156). Balancing is done by adding the individual
columns and using the total to verify the accuracy of the
requisition/OPTAR log. The following process is used
in balancing the log:
1. Get the cumulative total of the OPTAR increase
or decrease column.
2. Get the cumulative total of each fund code
column of the estimated cost chargeable section.
3. Get the net cumulative total of the difference
4. Check the accuracy of the log requisition/
OPtAR log and running total of the balance column as
Note the total of increase or decrease
Compute the net total of each column of the
estimated cost chargeable section.
Subtract the result of net total of each
column of the estimated chargeable section
(4b above) nom the total of increase or
decrease column (4a above).
Compute a net total of the difference section.
If the cumulative difference is a credit
(minus value), add the results to the result in
item 4c above. However, if the cumulative
total is a debit (plus value), subtract the
results from the results of item 4c above.
The result of any of the above computations
should equal the balance column total of the
Requisition/OPTAR log.
When using the above formula, remember that
credit differences correct overestimates of the unfilled
orders and debit differences correct under estimates of
unfilled orders. The recording of the differences will
adjust the value of the unfilled orders to agree with the
After the accuracy of the requisition/OPTAR log
has been verified, the balance column total represents
the current available balance of the OPTAR.
LoG. After balancing and verifying, the
requisition/OPTAR log must be ruled. The totals of
each columns will be used as the opening balance for
the next transactions. At the end of each month, the
requisition/OPTAR log must also be ruled. The
remainder of the page (at the end of the month) will be
left blank and the totals are carried forward to the next
page. The ruled and balanced requisition/OPTAR log
totals are the basis for the preparation of the
Budget/OPTAR report (NAVCOMPT Form 2157).
The reports required by the NAVSO P-3013 are the
Budget OPTAR Report (BOR) and the OPTAR
Document Transmittal Report. The document used for
submitting the BOR is NAVCOMPT Form 2157. The
NAVCOMPT Form 2156 is used for submitting the
transmittal report.
OPTAR Document Transmittal Report
All unfilled orders, cancellation documents,
processed DAO listings (or detail cards), and other
transaction documents that affect the status of the
OPTAR are transmitted to the DAO on an accurate and
timely basis to permit the up-to-date maintenance of the
official amounting records of the TYCOM or other
operating budget holders.
Activities using manual procedures submit the
OPTAR document transmittal report on the 15th and
last day of each month for the current fiscal year
OPTAR. The documents in the holding files 1 and 2 are
removed, assembled, and submitted to the DAO with
the OPTAR document transmittal report. The OPTAR
holders operating under SUADPS-RT submit the
mechanized unfilled order (obligation) documents
along with an OPTAR document transmittal report on
the last day of each month for current fiscal year
OPTAR. If no transactions have taken place since the
last transmittal, a transmittal will not be made for such
period or periods.
Assembling the Holding File Documents
Make separate adding machine tapes for documents
in holding file 1 and in holding file 2. The net total of
these two tapes should be equal to the difference