Funded Transfers
Funded transfers are those transfers or issues of
end-use material between nonstock funded ships or
units whose financial support is provided by different
operating budgets.
The units under the same type
commander, but classified under different Five-Year
Defense Programs or a budget activity, are financed by
different operating budgets. The A summary is used to
report the transfer/issue of material that result in charges
to the receiving activitys fund and credit to the
transferring activitys operating budget. The A
summary credits are applied to the operating budget
level (e.g., type commander) only and not to the
applicable ship or units mission support operating
Cost Transfers
Cost (statistical) transfers or issues of end-use
material between nonstock funded ships or units
generally occur when both the receiving and
transferring activity is funded by the same operating
budget. The B summary results in a cost adjustment
between the unit identification codes of the activities.
The B summary transactions have no effect on the
operating target of the transferring or receiving
Transfers to Other Ships or Afloat Units
Material transfers to other ships or units must be
approved by the commanding officer. Each transaction
is covered by an individually priced invoice. The
transferring activity obtains a copy of the receipt
document from the receiving activity. However,
receipts are not required for material transferred by
supply ships during underway replenishment. The
original invoice will be held for summarization
(discussed later in this chapter).
The categories of material involved in transfers are
the DBOF (formerly Navy Stock Fund [NSF]) and the
Navy Stock Account (NSA).
SAME TYCOM. Transfers of DBOF (formerly
NSF) type material between the same TYCOM is
nonchargeable. The material transfers will be included
in the B summary of the transferring ship or activity.
This also covers transfers of TYCOM centrally
procured material. This procedure does not include
subsistence, ships store stock, and resale clothing.
BUDGETS. Transfers of DBOF (formerly NSF)
type material between ships of different TYCOM are
chargeable transactions.
The value of the material
transfers will be included in the A summary of the
transferring unit.
This procedure does not include
subsistence, ships store stock, and resale clothing.
inter-ship transfers of APA material are nonchargeable
transactions that are not required to be summarized.
However, these transactions are required to be
documented and a copy retained in file as proof of
UCTS. Fund code UZ is used by SAC 207 activities
for requisitioning or purchasing aviation fuels. When
the transaction is processed, it will appear in the
appropriate Financial Inventory Report (FIR) caption.
The value of materials received for stock from other
supply officers are processed as FIR caption F4. The
receipts from procurement (commercial activities) will
be processed as FIR caption A1. The transferring
activity will show the transaction in FIR caption P4
(transfer to other supply officer-stock). Transfer of
fuels from SAC 207 stock to ships own use or other
ships propulsion or power generation will be charged
to the fleet commanders centrally managed allotment.
Transfer of fuels and lubricants from SAC 207 ships for
use in ships vehicles ashore is processed as an issue and
charged to the ships OPTAR.
Issues to Aviation Units by Aviation
Ships. Issue of aviation fuels by SAC 207 activities
to support squadrons is normally conducted on DD
Form 1348 (6-pt). The requisition will cite the
squadrons fund code (for example 7B) that will be
charged for the fuel issue. The SAC 207 issuing ship
will process the transaction on FIR caption J1 (issue
with reimbursement-service use).
In-flight Refueling by Navy/Marine Corps
Tankers. The in-flight refueling operations are
conducted by squadrons while deployed or NOT
deployed. When NOT deployed, the material control
officer of the transferring squadron is responsible for
providing the local in-flight refueling form for the pilot
to record the transactions. The form should contain the
information needed to effect proper billing and
reporting such as the unit identification code (UIC) of
the receiving squadron. The custodian of the tanker
aircraft is responsible for effecting the billing of all fuel
delivered during in-flight refueling.