Form 2155. The documents in file 2 are transmitted to
the DAO.
Requisition/OPTAR Log Posting and
The requisition/OPTAR log (NAVCOMPT Form
2155) must be maintained in ink by OPTAR holders
using manual procedures. Activities using the
automated procedures use the computer programs to
maintain the logs and files. Refer to NAVSO P-3013-2
for the breakdown and uses of each column in
NAVCOMPT Form 2155.
OPTAR GRANT. When received, the OPTAR
grants, advances, augmentations, or withdrawals must
be posted in the Increase or Decrease and Balance
column of NAVCOMPT Form 2155. The type of
authority (for example, grant) and the method and date
of transmittal (message or letter) should be referenced
in the Description column.
TRANSACTIONS. Upon preparation of docu-
ment(s) for material or services that are chargeable to
the OPTAR held by the command, the information must
be entered in NAVCOMPT Form 2155. For
mechanized activities, these transactions are recorded
automatically by the computer. For manual activities,
use the following procedures:
1. Detach a legible copy of the requisition (green
copy of DD Form 1348 [6-pt], when used).
2. Compute and insert on the detached copy the
total estimated price in the remarks block U of the DD
Form 1348 [6-pt].
Note: The mechanized documents received from
replenishment ships during underway replenishment
will contain the extended price on each document. The
OPTAR holders do not have to insert any additional
3. Record the unfilled order to the NAVCOMPT
Form 2155. Enter the estimated cost to the fund code
column of the Estimated Cost Chargeable section
corresponding to the fund code cited. The information
on the listing received from the replenishment ship is
used for recording in this section. A one-line entry may
be made from the totals provided on the listing.
Discrepancies, if any, must be resolved according to the
procedures set forth in NAVSUP P-485.
4. Place the unfilled order in holding file 1 pending
the next submission of the OPTAR transmittal report to
DAO. All mechanized documents received from the
replenishment ship (except those indicated as not
carried [NC] or not in stock [NIS]) must also be placed
in holding file 1.
These are transactions that do not affect the OPTAR
balance and a copy of the document is not filed in
holding file 1 nor transmitted to the DAO. Some
examples of nonchargeable transactions are as follows
l Requisitions for initial outfitting material
. Appropriations purchase account (APA)
l Intra-type commander transfers
The transactions described above can be entered
and annotated as nonchargeable in NAVCOMPT Form
TRANSACTIONS. When a confirmed cancellation
is received from a supply activity, perform the
following actions (applies to transactions above
1. On the original unfilled order entry line of the
NAVCOMPT Form 2155, annotate CANC in the Date
Material Received column. In the Remarks column,
write CANC and the Julian date of the annotation.
2. On the next available line of the NAVCOMPT
Form 2155, enter credit (negative) amount in the
Estimated Cost Chargeable column corresponding to
the fund code column used for the original unfilled
order. Annotate in the Description and in the Remarks
column with CANC and the complete document number
of the requisition canceled.
3. Increase the OPTAR Balance column by the
amount of the cancellation. Unless otherwise changed,
the amount of the credit is the same as the original
unfilled order recorded in NAVCOMPT Form 2155.
4. Prepare a list of canceled documents. The list
should have the document number, quantity canceled,
unit of issue, fund code, canceled value, and whether it
is a partial or total cancellation. Ensure that the
document number and the fund is the same as the
original unfilled order.
5. File the cancellation list in file 2 for submission
to DAO with the next OPTAR Document Transmittal
Report, This action will financially cancel the unfilled
order held at the DAO. Ensure that holding file 2 is
separated by each particular fiscal year (current year,
prior year 1, prior year 2).