The NAVCOMPT Form 2157 report is divided in 3
parts. Manual OPTAR holders are not required to use
part I of the form. Parts II and III data must be filled
out and submitted to DAO and the type commander.
Refer to NAVSO P-3013 for detailed instructions in
preparing the NAVCOMPT Form 2157.
BALANCING THE BOR. After completing the
report, balance the BOR by subtracting the total amount
(block 24, part II of BOR) from the OPTAR grant
(FYTD) amount (remarks block of the BOR). The
result should equal the balance column total of the
requisition/OPTAR log.
system is capable of preparing the BOR automatically
when the monthly financial report is processed. Some
versions of SUADPS are not currently able to separate
end-use obligation from the DBOF (NSA) stores
returns when an early cut-off date is required for the
submission of the returns.
Accordingly, some
SUADPS activities are not able to separate reporting of
end-use obligations (preparation of BOR separate from
DBOF returns). The NAVSO P-3013-2 describes the
reporting methods and procedures that should be used
in each situation.
The designated DAOs, as the authorization
accounting activities, perform the official accounting
for OPTARs granted to ships, aviation squadrons, and
other commands. One part of the accounting process
performed for each OPTAR holder is the matching of
unfilled order documents transmitted by OPTAR
holders with the corresponding expenditure documents
received from supply activities. The reconciliation
process results in the production of listings that provide
a report of transactions affecting the OPTAR holders
funds. Some of these listings are submitted to the
OPTAR holder for review and processing. Copies of
the listings, annotated with the action taken, are
returned by the OPTAR holder to the DAO so that the
official accounting records can be correctly maintained.
These transaction listings are as follows:
. Aged unfilled order listing (AUOL)
l Unmatched expenditure listing (this listing is not
received by ships or aviation operating force
units unless a reimbursable OPTAR has been
. Summary filled order/expenditure difference
listing (SFOEDL)
The above listings, as applicable, are submitted to
the OPTAR holder for review immediately upon
receipt. The copies of the listing, annotated with the
action taken, or the response sheet are returned to the
DAO. The annotated listing or response sheet should
be sent separately from the OPTAR/document
transmittal report (NAVCOMPT Form 2156).
The detail filled order/expenditure listing is for
backup purposes only and is retained by the DAO.
Threshold Concept
In the past, great time and effort have been
expended by the OPTAR holders and accounting offices
in performing financial transactions. The sheer volume
of transactions and disproportionate amount of effort
required to review and process the relatively small
dollar value transactions resulted in delays and
backlogs. Therefore, threshold concept was established
to save time and effort. The major features of the
threshold concept are as follows:
1. Expenditures that do not match an unfilled order
document in file at the DAO in 2 months of
unsuccessful attempts will be threshold charged. The
dollar value is calculated to make the unfilled order and
the expenditure values match. If the expenditure is
,000 or greater, the transaction is printed on the
Excessive Difference Listing. The prices in this listing
are verified by the accounting system. If the transaction
price is correct, the transaction will be included in the
SFOEDL the following month.
2. Matched and unmatched expenditures for
transactions with a value of 0.00 or less will not be
sent to the OPTAR holders for review. The adjustment
dollar amount will be threshold charged by the DAO
against the OPTAR.
3. The OPTAR holders are authorized to
administratively cancel unfilled orders when the
material has been received 60 days before the date of
the AUOL. This permits recoupment of OPTAR funds
on assumption that either the expenditure has been
threshold charged or no expenditure will be received.
Aged Unfilled Order Listing (AUOL)
The AUOL is distributed monthly for the 4th month
through the 15th month of the reporting period. It is
distributed six times quarterly from 18th through the
33rd report month. The AUOL lists unfilled orders that
are 3 or more months old but have not been matched
with related expenditure documents and have not been