The DD Form 1348 (6-pt) is used for documenting
fuel transactions. The serial number of the document
to be used for in-flight refueling will be Fill. The
complete document number will include the following
Unit identification code (UIC) of the receiving
squadron preceded by art R or V
Julian date and serial number with the date being
the date when the tanker service is performed and
serial number Fill
When feasible, include the aircraft bureau
number of the aircraft that was refueled
When it is necessary for the tanker to dump fuel
while performing tanker service, regardless of the
justification, the tanker squadron will absorb the cost.
The squadron performing the tanker service must settle
with the SAC 207 activity about the fuel received in
conjunction with financial reporting. The tanker
squadron must account for the total fuel received for
squadron operations and total dispersed to other
aircraft. For example, the total sum of fuel for the
period is 10,000 gallons at
.16 per gallon with the
total being ,600.00. The tanker squadron consumed
7,000 gallons for operations and 1,000 gallons each is
dispersed to three other squadrons. It is necessary to
prepare four separate DD Form 1348s (6-pt) to effect
the settlement. The tanker squadron posts ,120.00 to
the OPTAR and each receiving squadrons posts
,160.00 to their OPTAR. Table 6-3 lists how the
documents are prepared for the transactions.
During deployment, the pilot of the tanker squadron
is responsible for filling out an in-flight refueling report
after completing the mission. The material control
officer of the tanker squadron is responsible for
providing the local in-flight refueling form to the pilot.
The carrier air wing commander is responsible for the
Table 6-3.-Tanker Squadron Fuel Documentation
coordination of transactions between the tanker and
recipient squadrons. The tanker squadron can obtain a
credit for fuel by preparing a DD Form 1348 (6-pt) in
the same manner as the DD Form 1348 prepared to load
the tanker aircraft. The document number must also be
the same except the quantity must be equal to the sum
of fuel quantities transferred to other squadrons. The
remarks block of the DD Form 1348 must contain the
phrase J1 CREDIT. The in-flight refueling procedures
also apply to squadrons using the Buddy Stores method
of refueling.
Fuel Received from the Air Force. When fuel is
obtained from the Air Force tanker aircraft, the
receiving squadron will forward a DD Form 1348 (6-pt)
to the tanker Air Force unit. The receiving squadron
must request the tanker unit to maintain the document
number and fund code in the Air Force billing
document. Ensure the date of the refueling and the
bureau number of the aircraft refueled are entered in the
remarks block of the DD Form 1348 (6-pt). The address
of the Air Force unit can be obtained in the DOD
Activity Address Directory, DOD 4000.25-6-M,
normally held at the supporting shore station or ship.
Summarization of Transfers
The value of material transfers and issues to other
operating units and shore activities are summarized
month] y. The summarization affects the necessary
appropriation, subhead, operating budget, and cost
accounting adjustments. The summarization does not
include the Material Turned In to Store (MTIS) for
credit. The mechaninized format or the Summary of
Material Receipts/Expenditures, NAVCOMPT Form
176, is used to submit the report. The report is prepared
and submitted to DAO on or before the 5th day of each
month following the month in which the transactions
were made.
THE A SUMMARY. This summary is used to
effect funded (chargeable) adjustments between
appropriations, subheads, and operating budgets. This
also applies to adjustments between operating budgets
within an appropriation and subhead. The A summary
credit is applied to the type commander of the
transferring activity by the DAO.
THE FUEL A SUMMARY. This summary is
prepared monthly by the fleet commander only. This
report is based on the information in the Navy Energy
Usage Reporting System (NEURS) report that is
submitted to the fleet commander.