responsible for administering the appropriation, the
fiscal year, and the specific appropriation.
Subhead Symbol
The four-digit subhead symbol for the O&MN
appropriation identifies the major claimant and major
program of the FYDP. The first two digits represent the
last two digits of the major claimants UIC. The third
digit identifies the major program or budget activity of
the FYDP. The fourth digit is a zero at the major
claimant (fleet) level. The following is an example of
a subhead symbol:
Expense Limitation
An expense limitation cites the same subhead from
which it is issued except that the fourth digit is an
alphabetic or numeric character assigned by the major
claimant to identify the expense limitation holder. The
following is an example of an expense limitation
subhead symbol:
Operating Budget
Operating budgets are issued from expense
limitations to responsibility centers on a Resource
Authorization, NAVCOMPT Form 2168-1, and are
designated by the UIC of the responsibility center. Fleet
and type commanders issue operating budgets to
themselves for centrally managed programs and for
their subordinate cost centers (units). When more than
one operating budget is issued to a responsibility center
from the same expense limitation, the operating budgets
are distinguished by appending a one-character
alphabetic or numeric suffix to the operating budget
number. To simplify the identification of the specific
operating budget chargeable on each requisition or
other financial document, two-digit fund codes are
established by the Office of the Comptroller of the
Navy. Fund codes used by the operating forces are
contained in appendix II of NAVSO P-3013.
Operating Target (OPTAR)
Operating budget holders establish OPTARs as
required to identify costs separately and to permit
command and management to follow the same
channels. OPTARs are not issued from other operating
targets, but are issued direct from an operating budget
by the operating budget holder down through one or
more levels in the command structure. OPTARs are not
designated with a distinguishing identification number.
The combination of the applicable fiscal year, service
designator (R for Pacific Fleet units and V for Atlantic
Fleet units), UIC of the OPTAR holder, and the fund
code applicable to the operating budget provides the
complete accounting classification for a requisition.
For example, the requisition number R0336550051004
and the fund code LC identify the following:
Operating Budget
Operating Target
Expense Element
Accounting Office:
1751804, Operation and Main-
tenance, Navy, Fiscal Year
1995 (fiscal year determined
from Julian date 5005)
702E, FYDP budget activity
2(General-Purpose Forces),
Pacific Fleet COMNAVAIR-
PACS expense limitation
operating budget for ship
Supplies and Equipage OPTAR
of UIC R03365, USS Enter-
prise (CVN-65)
Consumable material
Defense Accounting Office,
San Diego
Reimbursable Orders
A reimbursable order is a request for work or
services to be performed on a reimbursable basis by one
responsibility center for another, or for another
government department, or for a nonfederal activity.
The receipt and acceptance of a reimbursable order for
performance by a fleet responsibility center has the
effect of automatically increasing the amount of the