This training manual is designed to help the Aviation
Storekeeper (AK) second class to meet the professional
occupational standards for advancement to first class
and chief Aviation Storekeeper. These occupational
standards are listed in the Manual of Navy Enlisted
Manpower and Personnel Classifications and
Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068.
As you advance in grade, your responsibilities also
increase. You will be assigned to supervise a greater
number of personnel in larger organizations within your
division, department, or command. You also will be
responsible for managing more supply spaces and the
personnel assigned to work in them.
This chapter contains information about the
assignments and responsibilities of the AK supervisor.
It also includes the basic knowledge and skills the
supervisor should possess to help perform these
increased duties and responsibilities. It covers some of
the management techniques and personnel training
requirements needed to provide the best customer
The Aviation Storekeeper is responsible for the
receipt, identification, stowage, and expenditure of
aviation material. The AK is also responsible for
performing memorandum financial accounting
pertaining to aircraft maintenance and flight operations.
The AK also provides services in support of aircraft
maintenance, including pickup and deliver y of material,
preparation of supply documents, technical research,
and determination of sources of supply.
In most cases, the AK1 is assigned to supervise
junior AKs in the supply department, aviation
squadrons, or aircraft maintenance shops.
The AKC can expect to have a wide variety of duty
assignments. These assignments include unit or section
supervisor, division chief, or supply chief. You may be
assigned to a billet that involves only a small portion of
the duties covered by the AK rating, or where your duties
are concerned with other areas of supply support. This,
however, does not relieve you of the responsibility of
keeping abreast of the changing conditions and
instructions pertaining to all duties of the AK rating,
AKs must be qualified in all phases of the rating so they
can be assigned to billets where they are most needed
The AK may be assigned to the following areas.
Naval Air Stations
The billet for AK supervisors vary according to the
size, mission, and number of personnel assigned to the
particular naval air station. The AK may fill a billet in
Aviation Support Divisions/Supply Support Centers
(ASDs/SSCs). Other divisions of the supply
department the AK supervisor may be assigned to are:
Control Division
Technical Division
Inventory Division
Material Division
At overseas air stations or facilities, the AK
supervisor will probably be given more responsibilities
than at a CONUS air station because there are usually
fewer civilian supervisory personnel.
Aircraft Carriers and Amphibious
Assault Ships
The number of AKs assigned to a ship depends upon
the size and mission of the ship. For example, an aircraft
carrier may have from 40 to 60 personnel assigned to
aviation supply duties, headed by two or more AKCs.
Unless local conditions dictate otherwise, most AKs are
assigned to the aviation support division (ASD). The
AK allowance for an aircraft carrier is partially
supplemented by the temporary additional duty (TAD)
assigned squadron AKs when air wings are embarked.
These TAD AKs are normally assigned to the ASD using
the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP)
operating procedures as outlined in OPNAVINST