separate sheet of paper for each job or in the form of a
chart using separate columns for each job.
l Operation performed
Where performed
Knowledge required
Skill and experience required
Equipment and material requirements
. Information required to perform
How obtained
Where obtained
l Time required to perform
. Frequency of operation
. Disposition of completed work
. Related jobs
Another feature of job analysis, in addition to
determining skills required to perform the various jobs
efficiently, is the information to group similar jobs so
that they may be assigned to the same person.
After you have inventoried and analyzed the tasks
to be performed, then match the personnel with the skill
requirements in the job analysis. Simple? Hardly. You
will seldom be in the position of having a group of
people who possess all of the skills required.
At this point, you are primarily concerned with
assigning an individual to each job. Therefore, the job
responsibility should be assigned to the person most
nearly matching the skill requirements. Rate alone is
not always the best way to make this determination. An
AKAN may have more experience in a particular job
than an AK3, or an AK3 may be more qualified in an
area than an AK2. Another factor to be considered is the
number of jobs and the number of personnel you have
to fill them. The number of jobs to be assigned to a
member depends upon the members experience. The
more experienced person may be able to handle several
jobs with ease; whereas the person with limited
experience may be able to do only one job successfully.
With all the inventorying and analyzing, dont
forget that you are dealing with people and not material.
Try to find out something about the person you are
assigning. An individual may have special aptitudes,
interests, physical characteristics, or personality traits
that make that person particularly well suited or unsuited
for certain tasks. These traits should be considered
when making assignments. This is not to say that
personnel should be coddled, but individuals doing jobs
that they like and are well suited for, will do a better job
with less supervision.
Your goal should be the timely, accurate completion
of all jobs with the work equitably distributed among all
Once you have assigned jobs to each of your
members, dont be misled into assuming that you have
everything covered. Every person will not be on the job
every day, you will have people TAD or on leave, and
personnel being transferred. Some provision must be
made to cover the tasks these persons were doing.
One way to make sure that personnel are checked
out on other tasks is by job rotation. As personnel
become proficient in their jobs, they should be
considered for reassignment to different jobs. They
probably will learn faster if the new job is related to the
old one, and, if possible, personal preference should be
one of the factors in deciding new assignments.
Job rotation should not become a periodic game of
musical chairs.
Each reassignment should be a
progression from an easier job to a harder one, and the
individual must stay in each job long enough to develop
a sense of responsibility y for a job well done. Otherwise,
you may end up with personnel who know a little bit
about a lot of jobs but are generally confused about the
purpose and procedures for any one of them. Everyone
benefits when more than one person is qualified to
handle each of the jobs in the department.
Duty Section
Supply operations consist of 24-hour service to
customers. Most services are rendered during normal
operating hours.
The efficiency of any supply
organization is challenged by its ability to handle urgent
business during nonworking hours.
After normal operating hours, the duty section mans
the supply department.
Duty sections, afloat and
ashore, are normally under the leadership of a supply
duty officer (SDO). Whether or not an officer is
assigned, the duty section must have authority in equal
measure with responsibility. When an emergency arises
that can be alleviated by some action possible within the
supply department, the personnel present in the duty
section must be able to take action at once. A full
account must then be presented to the supply officer or
a cognizant assistant at the earliest opportunity.