when you have only one or two individuals working
under your supervision, you must still coordinate the
work assignments. Keep in mind the various operations
that you and the others are performing and make sure
that each function is completed within the proper time.
You may also have special job assignments and must
make sure they are not forgotten or neglected.
Controlling is another term for directing. This is
ensuring that all parts are directed toward achieving the
goals. Not only do you determine what your assigned
personnel should do, you must also inform them of your
plan and make sure that they comply with your decision
and that their efforts produce the required results toward
carrying out your mission.
To exercise control properly, you must become an
expert in time management. Know what is going on at
all times. As a supervisor, you maybe performing work
in one area, while at the same time, observing what your
assigned personnel are doing. For anew supervisor, this
may be difficult at first, but it is essential to your job.
Just the fact that you show an interest and that you are
paying attention to what your personnel are doing has a
beneficial effect on the atmosphere and morale of the
Performance Evaluation
Establish a clear concept in your mind of what you
can expect from each individual. When a performance
evaluation is prepared, some of the following questions
may apply: How much output can I reasonably expect
from each individual? What quality of performance is
necessary for the task? Is quality or quantity more
important in this task? What do I know about the
personalities and work habits that will enable me to
assist them in performing the best job they can?
When an individuals performance is below
standard evaluate the procedures and consider why this
is so and what can be done to improve it.
You should use counseling for both negative or
positive performance. Most personnel tend to do their
best work when they feel the supervisor trusts and
respects them.
Perform counseling sessions periodically. Before
conducting adverse counseling, always make sure that
you have all the facts. Counseling should be used to
improve an individuals performance. It never hurts to
ask questions before you comment. The answers may
change the nature of your remarks considerably. Again,
it is a good idea to keep the situation as casual as possible
and avoid an attitude of accusation.
When possible, avoid using the type of criticism that
merely condemns. Even when you see one of your
workers performing a task entirely wrong, keep in mind
your purpose is not merely to stop that worker, but at the
same time, show the worker the correct procedures to
After counseling, you should follow through to
make sure that your directions are being followed. Your
kindness and friendliness in offering criticism should
not be taken as an indication of weakness but should be
understood as a firm purpose to reach the goal of your
assigned mission.
Expect cooperation from your
personnel. Usually that expectation on your part is
enough to ensure compliance with your instructions, but
if you find your directions have been disregarded take
action promptly.
As supervisor, one of your most important
administrative duties will be to plan and direct straining
The Navy training program develops the
knowledge and skills of personnel needed to support its
missions. It also acts as a tool for personnel to advance
in rate.
The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) is
responsible for training naval personnel. The CNO also
directs various commands and offices to provide
resources required to implement the training program.
The Assistant Chief of Naval Operations (ACNO)
(Air Warfare) is responsible for establishing policy,
requirements, and priorities of aviation training. The
ACNO is also responsible for developing aviation
training plans.
The Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP) is the head of
Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS). The CNP
participates in the following:
. Personnel and training planning
. Development and rewiew of Navy training plans