The next step is to consider personnel assignments,
space assignment, and available equipment to perform
the tasks.
Planning must be flexible because sometimes the
best of plans have to be revised. When a system fails to
work as efficient y as you had expected, then you should
make a change. Supervisors should always be alert and
observe how their plans are working and readjust where
necessaary. You should also observe changes in function,
personnel, or working conditions and modify those
plans accordingly.
On the other hand, frequent reorganization of
procedures usually indicates faulty original planning
and may reflect unfavorably on your competence as a
supervisor. Your subordinates may recognize this fault
and resent having to move office furniture or perform
other tasks of reorganization simply because you did not
plan properly in the first place.
The fact that your organization may be relatively
simple in structure does not diminish in any way the
importance of having a clear and well-balanced
structure. Individuals should know what is expected of
them and what authority they have. This does not mean
that your personnel should not be expected to help each
other from time to time or that you cannot reassign them
as required. It merely furnishes an established and
generally understood system of operation.
Duties and Responsibilities
You should make sure that everyone understands
their assigned duties and what you expect him or her to
accomplish, You are responsible to provide training to
those persons new to the job. After providing the
training, observe the operation until you are sure your
directions are understood and are being carried out.
Remember the principle of matching authority with
responsibility. When you put a petty officer in charge
of a specific assignment, make sure you also inform the
personnel who perform the tasks involved. Be explicit
about the authority you give to someone and make sure
that the individual does not overstep that authority.
Everyone is briefed at basic training about the chain of
command. This important element should continue
throughout your career, and as a supervisor, you should
make sure everyone in your charge is aware of the chain
of command in your section.
When you assign duties, you should give similar or
related tasks to the same person. The proper
combination of duties not only speeds operations by
eliminating wasted motion, but also improves accuracy.
Work Assignments
All AKs are expected to be able to perform the
duties of their rating at the rate level they hold. This
uniformity is a necessary condition to naval
organization. However, this should not prevent you
from considering that each individual may have special
talents and preferences. A good supervisor determines
what each individual can do best and what each one
enjoys well enough to put forth extra effort into
performing the task. This pays dividends in quantity
and quality of work and also increases morale.
The workload should be divided fairly. The uneven
distribution of workloads tend to lower morale and
create bottlenecks. Review each persons workload to
make sure that everyone is performing his or her fair
share. Sometimes an individual who seems to be
overloaded may need some guidance on how to organize
the work better or how to speed up routine operations.
The element of command basically means to take
charge. The results of your area of responsibility
depend upon the actions you take and how well you
carry out your assignment.
One of the most significant indications of command
is the power to make decisions. The individual
exercising command not only is allowed to make
decisions, but is expected to make them. As a supervisor,
you must learn what types of decisions are within your
You must then exercise sufficient
self-discipline to make those decisions necessary and to
abide by the consequences. It is a serious mistake to try
to make decisions that are beyond your authority, but it
is equally serious to refuse to stand up to your
responsibilities when decisions are required of you.
Coordination is the effort that ties work functions
together to make the operation run smoothly. Even