Federal records centers (FRCs), 1-16
Field level repairable (FLRs), 4-1, 4-4
Files, 1-13, 5-2
organization, 1-14
updateed, 3-23
financial, 6-16
Filing procedures, 1-13
Financial inventory report (FIR) codes, 5-11, 6-12
Financial management, 6-1
Fixed allowance, 4-3, 4-5, 7-19
computation, 4-26
Flammable liquids, 2-17
Fleet readiness action group (FRAG), 4-10
Fleet controlled material, 4-12
FOD, 4-6
Forklift safety, 2-28
Forklift trucks, 2-27
Freight agent, 4-16
Functional accounts, 6-1, 6-2
Funding, 6-7
administration, 6-10
Gas, nonflammable, 2-17
Gross inventory adjustment (GIA), 6-14
Hand trucks, 2-27
Hardwares and softwares, 7-1
Hazardous material, 2-14, 3-16
HMIS, 2-14
Honeycombing, 2-12
Hub, 4-4, 4-16
Incomplete DLR report (IDLRR), 4-18
Industrial support package (ISP), 4-21
In-port replenishment, 3-13
Integrated barcode system, 3-21
Intensive repairable item management (IRIM), 4-5
Intermediate level maintenance, 4-21
Inventory, 2-23
adjustments, 5-17
afloat, 5-13
aircraft, 5-19
ashore, 5-7
classified items, 2-24
performance goals, 5-12
personnel, 2-23
pilferable items, 2-23, 2-24
planning the inventory, 2-23
preparation, 2-23
requirements, 5-6
quality control checks, 5-12
retention of records, 5-13
sensitive items, 2-23, 2-24
special, 5-19
spot, 5-5
types, 5-5
Inventory accuracy standards, 5-18
Inventory management, 5-1
Inventory manager, 5-1
Inventory program, 5-4
Issues, 3-1,3-21,3-22
consumables, 3-1
MSP, 3-24
repairable, 3-1
Job rotation, 1-5
Leading CPO space measurement, 2-8
Level scheduling program, 4-6
Level of repair, 4-21
Liquid acid, 2-15
Local repair cycle asset (LRCA), 4-3,7-18
storage unit, 4-3
Location audit, 5-18
Location system, 2-13