Report of discrepancies (ROD)Continued
controlled items, 3-6
distribution of copies, 3-7
files, 3-7
follow-up, 3-7
late submission, 3-6
nonreceipt of material, 3-5
repairable, 3-6
return of discrepant material, 3-5
submission time frame, 3-61
Requisition control unit, 7-7
Requisition/OPTAR log, 6-17
Resources, 1-4
management system (RMS), 6-6
personnel, 1-5
personnel versus workload, 1-5
work assignments, 1-5
Responsible officer, 3-28
Return of discrepant material, 3-5
Returned material section, 3-2
RILOP, 4-11
SAC-207, 4-13, 6-10, 6-12
Safety, 2-28, 3-18
SAMMA/SAL, 5-4, 6-15
SARDIP, 4-11
Save list, 4-11
SDPO, 1-7
ashore, 1-7
Security of material, 2-24
control measures, 2-24
Sensitive items, 2-24
Serial number controlled items, 7-16
Service aisles, 2-6
Shelf-life, 5-21
codes, 5-21
item storage, 2-13
Shelving, 2-3
Shipment preparation, 2-22
Shipping, 2-22
area, 2-7
code, 4-4
documents, 2-22
planning the shipment, 2-22
procedures, 2-22
Ships Hazardous Material List (SHML), 2-14
feedback report, 2-14
Shop replaceable assembIy (SRA), 4-2
Shore consolidated allowance list, 4-13, 4-25
freed allowance review aids, 4-26
requisitions, 4-14,
planned program requirements (PPR), 4-26
skills, 1-2
communicating, 1-3
leading, 1-3
organizing, 1-3
problem solving, 1-3
Space standards, 2-8
Space utilization layout, 2-4
aisles, 2-5
clear height, 2-5
floor area, 2-4
SPCC, (See NAVICP), 5-1
Special material management program, 5-14
Spot inventory, 5-5
SSIC, 1-14
Standard floor area, 2-8
Stock objective, 4-22
Stock levels, 5-1,5-14
Storage, 2-1, 2-2
afloat, 2-12
definition of terms, 2-1
equipment consideration, 2-12
facilities ashore, 2-2
floor plan layout, 2-2
flow of material, 2-4
handling classes, 2-3
manpower requirements, 2-4
space utilization layout, 2-4
Storage afloat, 2-12
bulk items, 2-12
factors for space layout, 2-12