Location survey, 5-4
report, 5-12
Maintenance assist module (MAM), 4-13,4-14,
fixed allowance, 4-14
outfitting funds, 4-14
Maintenance data collection (MDC), 3-23
Maintenance levels, 4-2
Maintenance support package (MSP), 3-24,4-19,
Major claimants, 6-3
Management reports, 5-3,7-22
Management team, 4-12
Management techniques, 1-8
flexibility, 1-9
job assignment, 1-9
planning, 1-8
workload, 1-8
Master record file, 2-13
Master repairable item list (MRIL), 4-3
Master save list, 4-11
Master stock status and locator listing (MSSLL),
Material delivery unit, 7-12
Material expenditure, 3-21
Material handling equipment, 2-24
computing MHE requirements, 2-25
equipment requirements, 2-25
factors for selecting the MHE, 2-25
operators, 2-27
Material identification, 2-13
Material located in other departments, 2-13
Material protection level, 2-13
Material receipts, 3-1
ashore, 3-2
MTIS, 3-10
Material requests, 3-22
Material transfer, 3-24,6-22
Measurements of storage spaces, 2-18
gross storage area, 2-18
Measurements of storage spacesContinued
net storage area, 2-18
potential vacant space, 2-20
structural losses, 2-18
MHE operators, 2-27
fundamental operational instructions, 2-28
safety rules, 2-28
Missing, lost, stolen, and recovered (MLSR) reports,
MLSR report, 5-11
MSSLL 2-13
MTIS, 3-10
additional packaging, 3-11
disposition, 3-11
repairable, 3-11
screening and identification, 3-10
data elements, 7-3
contingency operations, 7-22
Naval Inventory Control Point (NAVICP), 5-1
Navy supply management, 4-1
Nodes, 4-4,4-17
Nonreceipt of material, 3-5
BA status, 3-6
shipped by nontraceable means, 3-6
shipped by traceable means, 3-5
Object class, 6-2
Occupational standards manual, 1-12
Office areas, 2-6
Office space layout, 2-7
guidelines, 2-8
planning, 2-7
space standards, 2-8
workflow, 2-7
On-line processing, 3-23
Open order files, 3-2
Operating budgets, 6-9