Causative research, 5-12, 5-17
Chief of Naval Operations, 1-10
Chief of Naval Personnel, 1-10
Chlorine gas, 2-17
Classified material, 1-15, 2-23, 2-24
classification, 1-15
markings, 1-15
padlocks, 1-16
responsibilities, 1-15
storage procedures, 1-15
Clerical worker space measurement, 2-8
Collection of pay from enlisted personnel, 3-29
Collection of pay from officers, 3-29
Command management techniques, 1-9
coordinating work functions, 1-9
making decisions, 1-9
Component control section, 7-4, 7-12
Component repair program, 4-5
Compressed gases, 2-16, 3-18
safety precautions, 2-16, 3-18
stowage spaces, 2-16
Computers, 7-1
Condition code, 4-3
Contact point, 1-17
Contingency support package (CSP), 5-15
Contingent operations, 7-22
Contractor support, 4-3
maintenance program, 4-8
Controlled item, 2-23
inventory, 2-23
receipt discrepant, 3-6
Controlled equipage, 5-15, 5-20
Constrained TAT, 4-26
Cost accounting, 6-21
Curriculum, 1-11, 1-12
Customer service, 1-17
effect of services, 1-17
improving customer service, 1-17
molding the team, 1-18
self-evaluation check list, 1-17
training, 1-19
Cylinders, 3-18
DD Form 200, 3-29
retention period, 3-29
Defense Business Operations Fund (DBOF), 4-2,
Defense Distribution Depot, 3-2
Defense Logistics Agency, 3-2
Definitions of storage terms, 2-1
Delivery, 3-23
Depot level maintenance, 4-21
Depot level repairable, 4-1, 4-5
documentation, 4-14
end-use, 4-3
excess, 4-14
turn-ins, 4-14
labels, 4-19
Discrepancy in shipment report, 3-7
Discrepant material return, 3-5
Division officer space measurement, 2-8
DLR print, 4-19
Document control unit, 7-19
Docks, 2-7
Dollies, 2-27
Duty section, 1-6
duty AK, 1-7
duty CPO, 1-7
duty petty officer, 1-7
Electrostatic discharge (ESD), 4-6
End-use depot level repairable, 4-3
Endurance period, 4-19
Engineering investigation (EI) program, 4-7, 4-15
Engine transaction report (ETR), 5-25
Equipment consideration, 2-12
Evidence of negligence, 3-30
Exception listings, 6-12
Excess, 4-14
Expenditures, 3-1, 3-21
procedures, 3-21
record log, 3-22
types, 3-21